- EPRO-31 10K / 20K / 30K
130805-EPRO-31 10K/20K/30K (ENGLISH) -
WARNING: Before starting up this parallel UPS system is mandatory to comply with all below requirements.
1.- Maximum quantity of UPS to be connected in parallel is 3. Do not try to connect more than 3 units in parallel.
2.- All UPS to be connected in parallel system must be same model with same firmware version. Please ask your distributor to confirm
firmware is the same in case of doubts. UPS belonging to same manufacturing batch have same firmware version.
3.- UPS configuration (configuration parameters of LCD menu) must be the same for all UPS.
4.- MBS (Maintenance Bypass Switch) located in all rear panels must be in "UPS" position and switch covers must be properly installed.
5.- In case of using external battery packs, each UPS must has same external battery packs quantity and type. If this condition is not complied
permanent damage could be generated to UPS.
6.- All control parallel cables (parallel cables and current share cables) must be properly connected in UPS rear panels as indicated in section
5 of this manual.
7.- Make sure total available capacity (in Watts) of all UPS to be connected in parallel is higher than load to be connected to UPS system. It is
recommendable total UPS power is at least 25% higher to total load. If UPS system will work as n+1 redundant system, make sure total
UPS capacity after removing one UPS is higher than maximum load to be connected. If not remaining UPS will not be able to support
connected load when one of the units was removed.
1. Make sure all wires are tightly connected to terminal block. Any loose connection will produce overheating, failures and damage to UPS.
2. Make sure all instructions of sections 3 and 5 have been performed correctly.
3. Put the terminal block cover back in its position to avoid access to wiring
4. Check EPO connections.
EPO Port closed (Wired): EPO function disabled
EPO port connected to an emergency switch: EPO function available by activation of Emergency Switch; which must be “Normally
Closed” type in order to guarantee that UPS will shut down when circuit opens.
5. Check Maintenance Bypass Switch (MBS) located in UPS rear panel is in UPS position and its cover is duly installed.
6. Make sure all external protection devices in input and output lines are in open (OFF) position.
7. Check control parallel cables are connected according to section 5 of this manual.