EloStar Master / EloStar Master smart
General Information on This Guide
Kurzbedienungsanleitung V.1.01D
Quick Reference Guide V.1.01D
Icons and their Meaning
Use the operating unit. After 30 seconds without user input,
FlatControl switches to idle mode.
PIN code for users is required.
The optional chip card TwinCard code access is required (not with
EloStar Master smart).
The optional RFID card is required.
The optional system card A or B or service code or CIT service
code is required.
Product version XX0 is required which supports using dependent
OTCs but not flexible 1x codes (currently, 06/2019, dependent
codes not with QPad).
Product version XX5 for the additional usage of flexible single-
use codes (OTCs) is required.
Operating Instructions
Unmarked text following a headline of a paragraph with operating instructions
contains information, which may be worth considering before performing the
operating procedures described. Such text does not contain safety instructions.
Text beginning with
‘Take’ contains information on tools or other
things to use in order to be able to perform the operating
procedure successfully.
Also take note of the icons (see above).
Text beginning with ‘Settings’ contains preconditions ne
for a successful performance of the operating procedure.
Text that looks like this asks you to perform a task. The text may contain names
Keyboard keys
Menu items
of the display of the operating unit.
Text formatted like this contains information on changes caused by the
execution of a step of an operating instruction or background information.
Text formatted like this closing a paragraph with operating instructions indicates that
you have carried out the operating procedure successfully.