what are Oxyions?
What are Oxyions
are a carefully crafted proprietary blend of Negative
Ions and Activated Oxygen, produced in the same proportions
and quantities as found in the best of nature.
This effectively
brings the benefits of fresh clean country air inside, without energy
loss or security risks. It’s like opening a window after a cleansing
lightning rain storm... electronically! The Activated Oxygen (O3)
portion is nothing more than natural Oxygen (O2) with an
additional Oxygen atom, created by a high electric charge (as in
lightning). In nature it is produced by the sun’s ultra-violet rays,
waterfalls, ocean waves and associated with thunderstorms. It leaves
you with the fresh, clean, natural smell associated with a
thunderstorm and the passing of heavy rain. As is the case of most
Activated Oxygen Generators, Activated Oxygen (O3) is created by a
high voltage (but relatively harmless, due to low amperage)
electrical spark corona discharge that occurs safely within the unit.
How Do Oxyions
As in nature, Negative Ions and Activated Oxygen work
synergistically to purify our world. The Activated Oxygen (O3)
portion has an extra Oxygen atom which is unstable and therefore,
instantly seeks out microorganisms such as viruses, molds and
bacteria, chemicals, odors and other materials that will assist in
oxidation and help it turn back to its original form, Oxygen (O2)! As
it finds these agents, it will bind to them, oxidize them and
eventually leave behind only pure Oxygen (O2).
Are Oxyions
Negative Ions are not only completely safe, they are essential to a
healthy life. The Activated Oxygen portion, at the levels emitted by
the CatMouse
, are completely safe, as in nature, when used as
directed. The Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC), as
established by OSHA, is 0.10 PPM for 8 hours per day, 5 days a week.