user manual
InspIred Instruments Inc.
sUbMenU 5: global settings
here, much like in submenu 4, you can customize the behavior of
many aspects of the yrG. alterations made here, however, affect
not only a single given preset, but the behavior of the guitar as a
use the up/doWn buttons to scroll to your desired parameter.
these are as follows:
hammer enable
With this option selected, press down on any fret to toggle hammer-
ons and pull-offs on/off (1is on, 0 is off ). note that, while in tap
mode, hammer-ons and pull-offs will be enabled, regardless of what
this parameter is set to.
hammer pre-delay
this parameter allows you to set a slight delay between when a note
is hammered on and when said note actually sounds. this is useful
if you are getting double triggers from hammer-ons when plucking.
the higher the setting (0-20), the longer the delay before the note is
sounded. With this option displayed, press down on a fret.
hammer blanking
sets a short time window after hammering on a note during which
new plucks are not accepted. this can help reduce double triggers
with some playing styles. the velocity of the last trigger is used for
the first hammer – after the first hammer, the velocity is controlled
by the hammer decay parameter.
both hp and hb remove double triggers resulting from ham-
mering and picking at the same time. do not use both hammer
blanking and hammer pre-delay together, as they both address the
same issue. hammer pre-delay favors picking and hammer blanking
favors hammers.
fret release
this sets a delay after releasing the fingerboard before the system
turns off all notes. decreasing this value will help users who have ex-
perienced dropped notes when playing fast runs. this also helps with
sliding up/down the neck. note that hammer pre delay may adversely
affect sliding on the neck.
string gain
this parameter allows you to set the gain of each string individually.
a value of 1-10 can be assigned, with 10 being the setting with the
loudest response, and 1 being the setting with the quietest. With this
option displayed, press down on a fret on the string whose gain set-
ting you wish to alter. the first fret corresponds to setting one, the
second to setting two, and so on. see note on next page.
trigger sensitivity
here you can set the level required to trigger a note. a value of 1-10
can be assigned, with 10 being the setting where a note requires the
least vibration to trigger, and 1 being the setting where a note re-
quires the most vibration to trigger. With this option displayed, press
down on the fret corresponding to your desired setting. the first fret
corresponds to setting one, the second to setting two, and so on.
trigger sensitivity is a global parameter and applies to all strings
evenly while string Gain is individually adjustable per string. typically
you should use trigger sensitivity to adjust the guitar so that it feels
like it is responding correctly to your playing without significant cross-
talk. In some cases, you may find that one of the strings is louder or
softer than the others - use string Gain to compensate for this. the
default setting is 5, and it should not be necessary to make significant
the string Gain and trigger sensitivity parameters can be used
to adjust the guitar for different playing styles. these two parame-
ters are global settings and they do interact - use them to adjust and
tweak the feel of the instrument to your playing style.
crosstalk filter adjust
this is an enhanced version of the older crosstalk filter that only had
two setting’s: on or off. the new crosstalk filter is adjustable from
0-9. a setting of 4 or 5 is recommended.
auto silence on/off
by default, when you lift your fingers off the fretboard, the yrG
mutes all notes currently sounding. this parameter allows you to dis-
able that feature. With this option displayed, press down on any fret
to toggle auto silencing on/off (1 is on, 0 is off ).
left hand Mode
With this option displayed, press down any fret to toggle left handed
mode on/off (1 is on, 0 is off ).
to reset these parameters to their default settings, simply
press and hold the record button while within submenu 5. When
the operation is complete, the lights on the control panel will briefly
Midi sUrface controller
the yrG can be used to control features on a daW or other applica-
tions like ableton live!™. mIdI controller features are implemented
as an array of switches that are superimposed on the guitar finger-
board. the following controller data can be transmitted:
frets 16~22 on all strInGs are mapped Into mIdI con-
troller numbers, as folloWs:
fret 16 fret 17 fret 18 fret 19 fret 20 fret 21 fret 22
e c:20 c:21 c:22 c:23 c:24 c:25 c:26
c:27 c:28 c:29 c:30 c:31 c:32 c:33
c:34 c:35 c:36 c:37 c:38 c:39 c:40
c:41 c:42 c:43 c:44 c:45 c:46 c:47
c:48 c:49 c:50 c:51 c:52 c:53 c:54
e c:55 c:56 c:57 c:58 c:59 c:60 c:61