600 Dekora Woods Blvd. Saukville, WI 53080
Toll Free: 800-488-8177 Local: 262-268-9330 Fax: 262-268-9952
Trouble Shooting Guide
b. Remove camera from push rod and test camera for lights using
camera test port of Command Module. (#19 of Main System
c. Disconnect push rod from basket at basket hub and connect
camera to hub connection.
d. Do not increase light to full brightness contact Insight | VISION for
additional support.
5. My D2 has been sitting on the shelf for a few weeks and it no longer
seems to recharge properly.
6. The internal battery has completely discharged. You will need to
disconnect/reconnect your power cable 3 or 4 times to condition the
batteries for proper charging.
7. My D2 command module monitor is displaying in black and white.
a. Your system is in PAL mode, this is caused when the video driver
of the recorder system loses video signal with the camera head.
The easiest fix is to cycle on and off the power button of the On
Demand Recorder (button 9) on the front of the D2 command
b. Pal mode is activated when the camera head is removed and
reconnected to the system while the On Demand Recorder is ON.
(Hot Swapping the camera) Please assure that the camera head is
attached to the system before the On Demand Recorder is turned