Advanced Operation
6.1 Record Manager
Lock: Press [GREEN] button to lock recorded video. Password will be need to open locked
recorded video.
Delete: Press [BULE] button to delete recorded video.
Rename: Press [RED] button to rename the recorded video.
1. Press [PVR] button to shift to “Record Manager” interface directly.
2. Use [CH▲/▼] button to select recorded video and press [OK] button to play. It will back to
“Record Manager” interface automatically when the video is finished or press [EXIT] button.
Press [PLAY] button to have a preview.
Press [OK] button to watch recorded video by full screen.
Press [PAUSE] button to make a pause while playing.
Press [STOP] button to stop playing.
There are 5 options, ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16, ×24 in “Fast Backward” and “Fast Forward” mode.
Press [INFO] button twice to open “HDD Record List” in full screen while playing,
Find further operation according to screen.
6.2 DVR HDD Information
Enter in “DVR HDD Information” interface to display information of disk.
6.3 HDD Format
Enter in “HDD Format” interface to format disk.
6.4 DVR Configuration
Enter in “DVR Configuration” menu including 4 submenus which are listed below.
Time Shift: ON/FF
Tips for record real-time channel program.
Connect USB device with receiver.
Turn on “Time Shift” mode.
Press [PAUSE] button to stop the TV program and the receiver will start recording as
much as the USB device capacity is. Press [PLAY] button to continue watch the program
from the stopped.
Use [F.REW] and [F.FWD] buttons to forward or backward of recorded program. There
are 5 options, 2
×16 and ×32.
Press [INFO] button twice to enter in “HDD Record List” interface, choose one of it and
press [OK] button to watching by full screen.
The recorded program will be eased automatically once channel has been shifted.
Time shift to Record : ON/OFF
Tips for record video
Connect USB device with receiver.
Press [REC] button to start recording program.
Press [STOP] button to stop recording.
The receiver will start recording as much as the USB device capacity is.
Recorded video will be stored in the disk.