INOXPA NBI Installation, Service & Maintenance Instruction Download Page 3








A) 2018/11 




This manual co

he NBI vertica

The informatio

NOXPA reserv




This instructio


Carefully read 
use of the ag

nstallation are







1.4.1 During 




ontains inform

al agitator. 

on published in

ves the right to

n manual co

the instructio

itator and str



Safety hazar
Electric haza




Read the ins


the installat



The installat
regard to he
Before start
Incorrect ali
All the electr
Keep the m
explosion. T
When cleani
Do not disa
disconnect t




mation about th

n the instructio

o modify this i


ntains essent

n prior to sta

rictly follow th

rd for people i


ortant instructi


struction manu


cal specificatio

tion and use 

ealth and safet

ting up the a

gnment and/o

ric work shoul

otor and the 

The responsible

ing, do not sp

assemble the 

he power cab


he reception, i

on manual is b

nstruction ma

ial and usefu

rting the agita

he instruction

n general and

ion for the pro


ual carefully b


 of chapter 

of the agitat


agitator, check

or excessive st

d be carried o

switchboard u

e person of th

ray directly on

agitator until 

le supplying th

 1. Safety


installation, op

based on upda

anual without 

ul information

ator, familiaris

ns. These inst

d/or for equipm

otection of the

before installin

8 should alwa

tor should alw

k that it is p
tress during c

out by speciali

under control

he user compa

n the engine.

 the switchbo

he motor. 


peration, asse

ated data. 

prior notice. 

 for the corr

se yourself wit
tructions shou


e equipment 

g and starting

ays be observe

ways be in ac

properly anch

coupling can c

sed personne
, particularly 

any must defin

oard has bee

mbly, disassem

rect handling 

th the installa

uld be kept in

g the agitator. 


ccordance wit

ored and its 
ause serious m


in areas wher

ne the risk zon

n disconnecte

mbly and mai

and mainten

ation, operatio

n a safe loca

Contact INOX

th applicable 

shaft is perf

mechanical pr

re there is a 

nes (zone 0-1-

ed. Remove t


ntenance of 

nance of your

on and correct

tion near the

XPA in case of

regulations in

fectly aligned.
roblems in the

risk of fire or


the fuses and


Summary of Contents for NBI

Page 1: ...X Telers 17820 Tel 3 Fax inoxpa www in ON SE CE INS CAL XPA S A 60 Banyoles Giro 34 972 57 52 34 972 57 55 inoxpa com noxpa com ERVICE STRUC AGIT U ona 00 02 E AND TIONS TATO 20 047 32 0001 D S OR O 2...

Page 2: ...rona re under our CAL AGITAT al number the relevant Directive 20 e Directive netic Comp armonised sta O 12100 20 120 2016 of the perso ompile the te o Brunet fice Manager st December n of Con a sole r...

Page 3: ...ta he instruction n general and ion for the pro NS ual carefully b ns of chapter of the agitat ty agitator check or excessive st d be carried o switchboard u e person of th ray directly on agitator un...

Page 4: ...e lowing risks nt functions nd repair proc nd chemical ha he type of sub d lawfully add g cases ork have not b t by our perso out on our ma been improper nded y in your poss dergo any mod pare parts a...

Page 5: ...sp 8 1 Technic 8 2 Weights 8 3 Technic 8 4 NBI Agi 8 5 NBI Agi tions manual tions for start g symbols l safety instruc ntents formation tion he agitator n on of the agita ort and storag n al installat...

Page 6: ...tors w he thrust and ith two allen s ment it can us as foodstuffs mance limits T NOXPA shall n uipment if the tallation detail eneral Informatio al Inf with shaft mou radial loads t studs se in agitat...

Page 7: I Vertical ag ber of agitat One agitation Two agitatio Tree agitatio of agitation Marine Prop tion speed 0 200 rpm 4 4 Ins any deteriorat g has not been packaging and d form or disa good conditio...

Page 8: figure and ION ION 4 ation elemen he agitators a t handle the a ions when lifti or other liftin diately it mus supports or fo ny type of load litate inspectio erations It is ecessary to pla If r...

Page 9: w k areas area aced on the su r should be lev r shaft other and at led tighten th ation the agita without a driv starting it up ied on the end 4 Installation 1000 1200 70 80 15 20 eck local regu tr...

Page 10: ...tation of the a tion of rotatio n of the motor ng parameter A risk of dam r use and the r is mounted g shear cutti r the tank insp evices and saf solid raw mate omise its safet 5 Starting Starti d th...

Page 11: ...of rotation eed too low l too low or no l aft ed ing driver eal worn O ring top using the a Troubleshooting blesh arise while op ed correctly fo AUSES high tator selected n liquid agitator imme g hoot...

Page 12: ...The instru Technical spe ly be carried o arrying out this are replaced ble in each are nance work en itator rive ducer shall b ust be greased ary to indicate scription of the long period o on wooden...

Page 13: ...n the ou n stub shaft 2 sher 35 and r shaft 05 in er end of agita 7 utput flange o 26 as shown i tighten the sc nto half shaft ator shaft 05 Maintenance of the gear mo n the follow fi crew 51A 26 and...

Page 14: ...haft diam e propeller dia TS NBI NBI NBI NBI NBI Tech ICATIONS h the product th mm meter mm ameter mm Type I 1 10 20005 I 1 10 20005 I 1 10 20005 I 1 10 20011 I 1 10 20011 8 Tech hnica AI NB 0 20 1 20...

Page 15: ...NBI 1 1 ICATIONS A tator type 10 20005 200 10 20005 250 10 20007 300 10 20011 350 10 20011 400 8 Tech ND DIMENSI C E 367 1 476 hnical specificat IONS Dimensio E A 18 160 13 ions ns mm Flange B DN 30...

Page 16: ...2 2 1 1 XPLODED DR ARTS LIST ity Desc Prop Shaft Half Spec Base Screw Screw Stud Stud V rin Gear 8 Tech RAWING cription peller t shaft cial Washer e plate w DIN 912 w DIN 912 ng r motor hnical specif...

Page 17: ...NOTAS...

Page 18: ...NOTAS...

Page 19: ...NOTES...

Page 20: ...C c P How to conta Contact details ontinually upd Please visit ww act INOXPA S s for all countr dated on our w ww inoxpa com S A U ries are website m to Access the information 20 047 30 01EN A 2018 1...
