This se t empl oys an optica l laser beam syste m in th e CD mecha nism d esigned
w ith built-in safegua rds. Do not a ttempt to di sassem ble. E xposu re to t his inv isible
la ser lig ht bea m may be ha rmful to the human eye. This is a Class-1 laser product
U se of controls, adjustments or p rocedures other th an tho se sp ecified herei n may
result in haza rdous laser l ight be am exposure. This compact dis c player should
not be a djuste d or re paired by an yone except quali fied service p ersonnel. Th e
la ser mechanism in the se t corresponds to th e stylu s (nee dle) of a record player.
Althoug h this product uses a laser pick-up lens, it is comp letely safe w hen
operate d according to dire ctions .
Th e man ufactu rer is not res ponsi ble for any ra dio or TV int erfere nce ca used b y
una uthori zed m odifica tions. Such modifi cation s could void the use r's au thority to ope rate t he
equ ipmen t.
1) Opera te turn ing co ntrols and sw itches as ins tructe d in th e man ual.
2) Before turnin g on the pow er for the first time ,make sure t hat the powe r cord is prop erly
i nstalle d.
3) Store y our C Ds in a cool a rea to avoid dama ge from heat .
Battery Handling and Usage
Only adult s shou ld han dle ba tteries . Do n ot allo w a ch ild to u se this produ ct unl ess
the Batter y Com partm ent Co ver is secure ly atta ched t o the B attery Comp artme nt in
acc ordanc e with all pro duct u sage instruc tions.
1) F ollow the ba ttery m anufa cturer 's safe ty and usage instru ctions .
2) K eep b atterie s away from childre n and pets.
3) In sert t he bat teries observ ing the prop er pola rity as indica ted in side th e batt ery co mpartm ent.
Fail ure to prope rly alig n the b attery polarity can cause perso nal in jury an d/or p ropert y dama ge.
4) N ever t hrow b atterie s into a fire. Do no t expo se bat teries to fire or othe r heat sourc es.
5) B attery Dispo sal: Sp ent or disch arged batter ies mu st be p roper ly disp osed o f and recycle d
in c omplia nce w ith all a pplica ble la ws.
For detail ed info rmatio n, con tact yo ur loc al soli d wast e auth ority.
Read all instructions before using
Do no t use thi s produc t near w ater.
Do no t ceiling - or wall- mount th e produ ct.
Insta ll the pro duct in a ccordan ce with t he opera ting inst ructions .
Do no t set the product near he at source s, such as radia tors, hea t registe rs, stove s, or oth er
appa ratus (in cluding a mplifier s) that pr oduce h eat.
Prote ct the po wer cord from be ing walk ed on or pinched , particu larly at p lugs, co nvenien ce
recep tacles, a nd the p oint whe re they e xit the p roduct.
Do no t use att achmen ts not re commen ded or s old by th e produc t manufa cturer a s a risk o f fire,
elect rical sho ck, or se rious pe rsonal in jury may result.
Unplu g the pr oduct du ring ligh tning sto rms or w hen unu sed for l ong peri ods of tim e.
Do no t expose the pro duct to d ripping o r splash ing wate r. Do no t place o bjects fil led with liquid
(e.g., vases) o n the pr oduct.
Do no t place i n or expo se the p roduct t o direct s unlight, extreme heat, hu mid or d usty loc ations.
Neve r operate this pro duct if it has a da maged p ower co rd or plu g, is not working properly, has
been dropped , damag ed, or ex posed to moistu re, water, or othe r liquids . Do not a ttempt t o
exam ine or re pair this product yourself ; take th e produc t to a ser vice cen tre for in spection and
repai r.
Kee p mag netic objects such as spe akers, at a di stance from the player.
R egion codin g: All D VD di scs are code d by th e sale s terri tory. P lease note th e play er
i s set t o regi on 2 c oding by the facto ry wh ich c annot be ch anged . This is in c ompl iance
w ith the DVD patent requirements.
The Re gion n umbe r for th is DVD playe r is
Di sconn ect the AC ad apter before main taining the p layer.
W ipe the playe r with a dry, soft clo th.
If the sur faces are ex treme ly dirty ,wipe clean with a cloth w hich h as be en dip ped in a
we ak so ap-and -wate r solut ion an d wrun g out thorou ghly, a nd the n wipe again with a
dr y cloth .
Ne ver us e alco hol, b enzine , thinn er, cle aning fluid o r other chem icals. A nd do not us e
co mpres sed ai r to re move d ust
If the disc is brought from a cold to a warm environment
moist ure may form on the disc
Wipe this mo isture off wi th a so ft, dry, lint-free clot h befo re usin g the disc.
Improper disc storage
You can d amage discs if you store t hem in the fo llowin g plac es:
A reas e xpose d to di rect su nlight
H umid o r dust y area s
A reas d irectly expos ed to a heat outlet or hea ting ap plianc e
If the surface is soiled
Wip e gent ly with a soft , damp (wate r only ) cloth .
Wh en wip ing dis cs, alw ays m ove th e cloth from the ce ntre h ole tow ard th e outs ide, w hich
will not ca use di stortio n. (If y ou wip e the d iscs u sing a circul ar mot ion, ci rcular scratc hes ar e
like ly to oc cur, w hich w ill cau se dis tortion .)
Region code setting
Summary of Contents for LDD73
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