Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12 Hierarchical Rules
Complex Rules may be daisy-chained or nested, in cases where more than four conditions are required.
Daisy-chaining is achieved by creating a Complex Rule containing three items with Conditions (
Rules without Action
) plus a fourth item with another Complex Rule containing four more Conditions.
Alternatively, up to four Complex Rules containing four Conditions each (
i.e. Rules without Action
) may
be combined in a fifth Complex Rule. These hierarchical arrangements may be extended further, with
no limit to the number of levels used.
Another reason for hierarchically arranging Rules are situations where different types of logical ope-
rators need to be applied to Conditions. If several Conditions need to simultaneously apply, they are
joined with what is known as a logical
operator. If only one of several Conditions needs to be true,
they are joined with a logical
operator. However, only one type of logical operator can be used
within one Complex Rule. Since several Simple Rules triggering the same Action are effectively ored,
the use of an
operator within a Complex Rule only makes sense, if one of a set of alternative con-
ditions needs to simultaneously become true with another condition.
In order to illustrate this principle, well expand the example from above with an additional requirement:
Images for all documents with a length of 150 mm also need to be discarded if a Patch T, a Patch 6 or
an arbitrary bar code is detected, on them. For this to work,
Patch Code Detection
see chapter
as well as
Barcode Detection
see chapter
) need to be activated, in the current scan-profile.
Three Simple Rules without Action need to be
created, one with condition
Any Barcode
two more using the
Patch ..
condition. For the
latter, the two desired patch code types need
to be added, as value. Again, these Rules will be
highlighted orange, in the rules list, for as long as
they are not used as condition in a Complex Rule.
Therefore, another Complex Rule is now created
Codes to delete
), but this time, No Action
is selected and the logical operator is changed to
. The three Simple Rules from above are added
as conditions.
Finally, another Complex Rule is created (
img del at 150+Codes
) for which
is selec-
ted, as the action.
is again used as the logical
operator. Three Conditions are added, namely
the two Rules discussed in the initial part of this
example, plus the Complex Rule containing the
three codes, as the condition. As a result, the re-
quirements for this Complex Rule are fulfilled: All
images shorter than 160 mm but at the same time
longer than 140 mm will be discarded, provided
they contain an arbitrary bar code or one of the
patch codes specified.