AMTEK Version 7.4 2019-01 Page 2
©Inomatic 2017-2019
Any manipulation of the system should be done by qualified and
trained personnel only.
Do not open
the AMTEK system’s power supply when connected to
power! High voltage!
Make sure the power supply is properly connected to mains PE
Do not touch the antenna wire or matching circuit when connected to
power! High voltage!
Before changing blown fuses or manipulating the antennas, always
disconnect from 230V power source first!
Do not plug in or out the power supply cables to or from the processor
board unless the power supply is switched off!
Do not insert or take-out any jumpers unless the power supply is
switched off!
Route the RX-TX cable and power supply cables through places where
they cannot be easily damaged!
Do not use the system in water condensing conditions!
Do not use the system in explosive environmental conditions!