3.2: Techn cal Draw ng
4: Installat on
4.1: Before Installat on
Unsu table connect ons aga nst the manual m ght cause health, l fe or mater al
damage r sk.
- Do not power on the dev ce before all the connect ons are completed.
- Check the dev ce user manual to create a secure connect on.
- Do not make any connect ons other than the connect ons spec fied n the scheme.
- Do not connect w th dev ces that do not comply w th secur ty standards.
Mount the dev ce away from metal surfaces or objects to avo d any negat ve
mpact on the w reless commun cat on performance.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Scale 3/7
D fferent tasks can be ass gned to nohom Nova Panel nput and outputs. Funct ons
ass gned to nput and output are prov ded by nohom author sed dealers. Th s operat on
s completed by tra ned techn cal personnel n comm ss on ng program.