07 April 2016
9.2.4. Function E4 - Torque limiter set-point
The torque limiter proportional input is linear throughout its range.
The corresponding scale varies according to the type of motor:
Drive basis
Min terminal (0V or 0%)
Max terminal (10V or 100%)
360 mN.m
35 mN.m
700 mN.m
35 mN.m
1000 mN.m
100 mN.m
This input operates either on 0-10V or PWM, depending on the product ordered.
9.3. Functions associated with outputs
All outputs are open slip-ring PNP.
The voltage delivered by these outputs is V DC (power supply voltage)
9.3.1. Function S1 - Encoder output
A fixed width top hall (500µs) is generated each time that one of the motor's three hall sensors changes
Motors 80140_TNI21 and 80180_TNI21 have twelve top halls per motor revolution (two pairs of poles).
Motor 80280_TNI21 has 24 top halls per motor revolution (four pairs of poles).
The rest state of output S1 is 0. The calibrated pulse is positive (set to V DC)
9.3.2. Function S2 - Torque limiter output
Output S2 gives information on the motor's torque limiter:
If S2 = 0V (output at low state)
→ Normal operation
If S2 = V
(output at high state)
→ Torque limit reached
9.3.3. Function S3 - Actual direction of rotation output
Output S3 gives the actual direction of rotation of the motor shaft:
If S3 = 0V (output at low state)
→ Rotation in reverse direction (SI)
If S3 = V
(output at high state)
→ Rotation in forward direction (SA)