The Quick Temperature View will automatically refresh every minute while on the view. The current
Temperatures button does not auto-refresh, there is a refresh button in the header to push to refresh the
temperatures manually. The Tappecue unit sends temperatures every 30 seconds or so. You can see the updated
date/time at the top of the view. Please give it a couple of minutes after the session is started to see the first
temperature reading.
View Current Temperatures and Alerts
As an admin, within the mobile app you are allowed to view (and make changes to) the current temperatures
and alerts pages. As a guest (discussed on pg.15) you may only view current temperatures and receive alerts. To
view the live temperatures, you will have to log into the app
View Current Session
Select the Tappecue you
are using
Current Temperatures. You will then see Probes 1’s current temperature. You can scroll through
Probe 1-4 to view each temperature individually by swiping right and left.
Making Changes to the Temperatures Alerts after the Session Has Been Started
You can make changes in the min and max temperatures after the session has been started. You can do this by
selecting the specific probe you want to make a change in, select the temperature and the pencilat and then make
the change, then and simply tap on the Save Button. This will save your changes.
Ending a Session
Once you are finished with your session always remember to end the session. You can do this at any given time
by tapping on the View Current Session
(Your Tappecue Name)
End Session Button. Once you have ended
your session you will be asked if you would like a CSV file of your session to be emailed to you. Either select yes,
no, or cancel (more info on pg. 14). We have an excel graph with built in macros to graph the file automatically on
www.tappecue.com/data page. There is now an option to save your Session on our cloud. This is called