Innotek BC-200-22 User Manual Download Page 5

Quick Start

Step 1

Adjust the Collar Strap

Place receiver collar on your 
dog with the receiver hanging 
directly beneath your dog’s neck. 
Adjust the collar securely so 
that the contact points touch the 
skin of your dog’s neck. Make 
sure the collar is not so tight as 
to cause discomfort. When the 
collar is properly adjusted, you 
should be able to place one fi n-
ger between a contact point and 
the dog’s skin. If your dog has a 
small neck size, you may wish to 
trim the excess strap length.

Charge the collar for 14-16 
hours. Be sure to cover the 
charge jack with the gray plug 
when done.

The collar is activated when the 
unit is charged. Simply put the 
collar on your dog and enjoy the 
peace and quiet. Innotek



Auto-Set feature will do all
the work.

Step 2

Power Up

Step 3

Using the Collar

No-Bark Collar

Your Dog’s First Session

Monitor your dog during his fi rst session. This is when he 
will learn what the collar means. Dogs learn at different 
speeds. It may take several barks or even several sessions 
for your dog to reduce his barking. Don’t worry – the
Auto-Set feature starts at the lowest level and will adjust 
to the right level to motivate your dog to stop barking. The 
collar will remember the correct level between uses. 

Resetting the Collar

The BC-200-22 resets to the lowest level each time it is 
charged. You may also reset the collar by recharging for as 
little as one minute.

Testing the Collar

You may wish to test the collar from time to time. To test 
the collar, gently rub the contact points on a hard non-glass 
surface like a tabletop. A solid red LED indicates that the 
unit is functioning properly. Only when certain the collar is 
working properly should you place the collar on your dog.


If the collar appears not to be working, try the following:

• Adjust the collar strap to fi t
• Recharge the battery
•  Check that the contact points are tightly screwed into 

the receiver

•  Ensure that the contact points are touching the dog’s skin. 

If your dog has a long or thick coat, you have two options 
to ensure contact: either trim the hair around the contact 
points or switch to the longer contact points included with 
your system.


 You may need to trim the hair in the area 

of the contact points. Never shave the dog’s neck; this 
may lead to a rash or infection.


The BC-200-22 has a waterproof collar that can be 
submerged in water during a dog’s normal activities; do not 
place in a dishwasher.

Two sets of contact points are included so you can choose 
what’s right for your dog’s coat. 

The BC-200-22 is powered by a rechargeable NiMH battery. 
When the battery is low and needs to be charged, a red light 
will fl ash once every fi ve seconds. The red light will glow 
steadily while being charged.


1.   Read the complete manual and follow all directions. If you have any questions, please call the 

Customer Care Centre.

2.   This device is intended for use only on dogs. Never attempt to use it for any purpose not 

described in this manual.

3   An electronic collar should only be used under close supervision by the dog’s owner.


4.   Never perform set-up procedures while the collar is on your dog.

5.   The proper fi t and placement of your receiver collar is important for effective training. The contact 

points must have direct contact with your pet’s skin on the underside of his neck.



Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. Proper fi t of the collar 

is important. A collar worn for too long or made too tight on the pet’s neck may cause skin 
damage. This is called bed sores; it is also called decubitus ulcers or pressure necrosis. 

• Avoid leaving the collar on the dog for more than 12 hours per day.
• When possible reposition the collar on the pet’s neck every 1 to 2 hours.
• Check the fi t to prevent excessive pressure; follow the instructions in this manual.
• Never connect a lead to the electronic collar; it will cause excessive pressure on the contacts.
• When using a separate collar for a lead, don’t put pressure on the electronic collar.
• Wash the dog’s neck area and the contacts of the collar weekly with a damp cloth.
• Examine the contact area daily for signs of a rash or a sore.
• If a rash or sore is found, discontinue use of the collar until the skin has healed.
• If the condition persists beyond 48 hours, see your veterinarian.
For additional information on bed sores and pressure necrosis, please visit our website.

These steps will help keep your pet safe and comfortable. Millions of pets are comfortable 
while they wear stainless steel contacts. Some pets are sensitive to contact pressure. You 
may fi nd after some time that your pet is very tolerant of the collar. If so, you may relax some 
of these precautions.  It is important to continue daily checks of the contact area. If redness 
or sores are found, discontinue use until the skin has fully healed.

6.   Always use the rubber insulators between the collar strap and contact points to provide 

insulation in damp conditions.

7.   Do not attach a lead or tags to the No-Bark Collar. You may put a separate non-metallic collar 

on your dog’s neck and attach a lead or tags. Be sure the extra collar does not interfere with the 
contact points.

8.   Do not attempt to dismantle or repair any components of this system; doing so will void the 

warranty in full. The computerized circuitry should be serviced only by an
authorized expert.

9.   Realize that because dogs have unique temperaments, there is no way of knowing how your dog 

will react to the introduction of a No-Bark Collar system. For the safety of your dog, a long lead 
should be used during initial training so you have control of the situation.



Not for use with aggressive dogs.

 Do not use this product if your dog is 

aggressive or if your dog is prone to aggressive behaviour. Aggressive dogs can cause 
severe injury. If you are not sure that this product is right for your dog, please talk to your 
veterinarian or a certifi ed trainer.

Proper use includes reviewing the entire Guide provided with your Product and any specifi c
Caution statements.

Terms of Use and Limitation of Liability

1. Terms of Use

Use of this Product is subject to your acceptance without modifi cation of the terms, conditions and 
notices contained herein. Use of this Product implies acceptance of all such terms, conditions and 
notices. If you do not wish to accept these terms, conditions, and notices, please return the Product, 
unused, in its original packaging and at your own cost and risk to the relevant Customer Care Centre 
together with proof of purchase for a full refund.

2. Proper Use

This Product is designed for use with pets where training is desired. The specifi c temperament or 
size/weight of your pet may not be suitable for this Product (please refer to this Operating Guide). 
Radio Systems


 Corporation recommends that this Product is not used if your pet is aggressive 

and accepts no liability for determining suitability in individual cases. If you are unsure whether this 
Product is appropriate for your pet, please consult your veterinarian or certifi ed trainer prior to use. 
Proper use includes, without limitation, reviewing the entire Operating Guide and any specifi c Cau-
tion statements.

3. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

This Product is designed for use with pets only. This pet training device is not intended to harm, 
injure or provoke. Using this Product in a way that is not intended could result in violation of Federal, 
State or local laws.

4. Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Radio Systems


 Corporation or any of its associated companies be liable for (i) any 

indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damage and/or (ii) any loss or damages what-
soever arising out of or connected with the misuse of this Product. The Purchaser assumes all risks 
and liability from the use of this Product to the fullest extent permissible by law. For the avoidance of 
doubt, nothing in this clause 4 shall limit Radio Systems


 Corporation’s liability for human death or 

personal injury or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

5. Modifi cation of Terms and Conditions

Radio Systems


 Corporation reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices govern-

ing this Product from time to time. If such changes have been notifi ed to you prior to your use of this 
Product, they shall be binding on you as if incorporated herein.

Radio Systems



10427 Electric Ave. 
Knoxville, TN 37932  USA

Explanation of Attention Words and Symbols used in this guide

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. 
Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.


WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could 
result in death or serious injury.


CAUTION, used without the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous 
situation which, if not avoided, could result in harm to your dog.

