background image

Step 1: Fill the tank with e-liquid. Wait five minutes before vaping.

Step 2: Click the bu�on three �mes to power on the device. 

Step 3: Hold the bu�on to ac�vate the device and vape.


Endura T20 Complete Vaping System


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 Prism T20 Atomizer /Tank

Power Bu�on

Ba�ery level LED indicator

 Endura T20 Ba�ery

Micro USB charging port 



Make sure there is e-liquid in the atomizer/tank and the coil is properly primed before powering on the device. Always power 

off the Endura T20 electronic cigare�e when it is not being used, or when it is going to be stored. 

Read all of this information user manual carefully before you start using this product because it contains important 

information for you.

The Endura T20 electronic cigare�e is intended for adult smokers. The product is not recommended for non-smokers,

young people under the age of 18 years, pregnant or breast feeding women and those experiencing general ill health.


Locate the label on the packaging and scratch the silver stripe to reveal your Innokin Endura T20 Unique Authoriza�on number.

2) Visit: h�p://

3) Enter the Unique Authen�ca�on number in the Authen�ca�on field.

4) Verify your Innokin Endura T20 is a genuine Innokin product. 

If you have any ques�ons or sugges�ons, please write to us at [email protected].

Innokin Facebook Page: 






Innokin Twi�er:


Innokin Technology provides a 90 day a�er sales service warranty to all authorized vendors. Please consult the official. 

Innokin website ( or your Authorized Innokin Vendor for more informa�on and terms of service. 

Keep the proof of purchase of this device.  

The proof of purchase is needed for the 90 Day Limited Warranty. Read the Safety Guidelines and Warnings on the following pages. 

For more informa�on and to download the warranty card please visit:


Please read this section carefully to ensure you receive maximum benefits from your Endura T20 and enjoy vaping with it in 

the most safe and effective ways possible.


. This product is intended for use by adults of legal smoking age (18+ or higher). This product is not recommended for non-smokers, 

young people under the age of 18 years, pregnant or breast feeding women and those experiencing general ill health.

2. This product may be used with e-liquids that contain nico�ne, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth 

defects or other reproduc�ve harm. Please check with your e-liquid provider.

3. This product is only designed to be used with high quality e-liquid. It is not intended for use with loose tobacco leaf or herbal 

substances. Innokin is not responsible for any atomizer or ba�ery damage due to the use of low quality e-liquid, dry herb, or 

other materials for which this product was not designed.

4. This product is not intended to treat, mi�gate, prevent or cure any disease or condi�on. It is not intended for use as a 

smoking cessa�on device.

5. Always keep this product out of reach of children and pets.

6. Do not misuse, mishandle or store this product improperly.In order to prolong the opera�on of this product, please do 

not use, place or store it in excessively hot or cold environments.

7. Do not a�empt to repair the product by yourself as damage or personal injury may occur.

8. This product is not waterproof. Keep it dry at all �mes.

9. Do not allow any liquids or e-juice to enter the device through the top threading or the USB ports. If any liquids enter 

the device, or come into contact with the PCB, please discon�nue using or charging the device and contact your local 

Authorized Innokin Vendor immediately.

10. Innoki

is not responsible for ba�ery and charger explosions, or malfunc�ons, due to the use of a low-quality charger. 

Only use the original micro USB cable to charge the device. We recommend that you use a high quality 5V/1A USB wall 

charger (CE/UL Cer�fied).

11. This product is not designed for use with a car charger. This product does not come included with a car charger.


Obey local laws or regula�ons regarding Electronic Cigare�es when vaping. If you are in an area where there are any


bans or poten�al dangers, please do not use this product.

Verify your Endura T20 is an authentic Innokin Technology product: 

