Replace a coil
1) Hold the tank with the threading up.
2) Unscrew the bo�om metal cap of the tank
3) Hold the coil and gently pull to remove.
4) Carefully and safely dispose of the used coil. Keep away from children and pets.
Make sure there is no e-liquid in the tank before you pull out the coil
5) Properly align the flat sides of the new coil.
6) Push to fully insert the new coil firmly into tank.
7) Ensure that the coil is completely inserted.
How to use the Endura T18E electronic cigare�e
Press the power bu�on three �mes to turn on the Endura T18E electronic
Once the Endura T18E electronic cigare�e is powered on, hold down the power
bu�on to ac�vate the atomizer/tank. When the Endura T18E electronic cigare�e is
not in use, press the power bu�on three �mes in succession to power off the
Endura T18E electronic cigare�e.
Make sure there is e-liquid in the atomizer/Tank and the coil is
properly primed before powering on the device. Always power off the Endura T18E
electronic cigare�e when it is not being used, or when it is going to be stored.
How to charge the Endura T18 ba�ery
To charge your Endura T18 ba�ery, connect a properly powered Microusb cable
to the 'input' port on the Endura T18 Micro USB port.