Taking the charging station into use
Test measurements must be performed before taking the charging station into use.
DANGER: The test measurements are carried out on live wires.
Connecting the power supply
Before connecting the power supply, make sure that all the needed cable installations are completed and that the earth
resistance measurements have been done according to local regulations.
1. Remove the signaling warning tag from the circuit breaker or power supply switch of the charging station.
2. Remove the dedicated lock or other preventive measures from the circuit breaker or power supply switch.
3. Turn the circuit breaker to the "ON" position to connect the power supply to the charging station.
4. Press the RCD test button to test the functionality of the Type-A RCD.
Measurements after power supply connection
Verify the operation of the charging station after the power supply has been connected.
DANGER: The test measurements are carried out on live wires.
Check the indicators of the charging station. See the descriptions of the LED signal lights for more details. It is
recommended to use an EV charging station installation tester to verify functionality.
Testing the charging station in normal use
Warning: Before this test, make sure that the charging station has been tested by using testing equipment.
1. Make sure all the wires have been connected correctly and the charging station cover is attached properly.
2. Connect the charging cable to the vehicle
3. Make sure that the LED of the charging station switches to charging mode. See the descriptions of the LED signal lights for
more details.
4. Check that the charging indicator of the vehicle is activated.