Inner Range inception Quick Start Manual Download Page 3

  Wired (Ethernet) connection

•  Once connected, the ETHERNET LED will turn on
•  To connect to the Inception web interface, the Inception’s IP address  

is required. There are two different ways to find it the IP address: 

LCD Terminal

•  If using an LCD Terminal (available separately, see the  

installation manual for information on connecting the terminal 
to the Inception Controller), log on by pressing [0] [1] [OK]  
The IP address can be viewed by pressing [MENU] [5] [2] to 
reach the Network Settings section, then [V] to view the  

•  Open a browser and navigate to the IP address 


Inception Connect Utility

•  Install the Connect Utility onto your computer. A copy of the  

installer is included on the USB stick inside the Inception box

•  Run the Utility. It will automatically attempt to detect Inception  

devices on the local network

•  Select your Inception from the list and press “Open In Browser”

Connecting to the web interface

There are a number of options available to connect to your Inception’s web interface.

  WiFi Access Point

•  If you have purchased the Inception WiFi Expansion Module  

(available separately), your Inception can host an access point

•  Connect the WiFi Module to the USB port on the Inception Controller
•  Wait for the WIFI LED to turn on
•  Use your WiFi enabled device to connect to the network. By default, the  

name of the WiFi network will be the panel serial number (e.g WS001923) with  
the password “inception”

•  Open a browser and navigate to the URL 




                SkyTunnel Access

•  If the network your Inception Controller is connected to has internet access,  

you can connect to it from any internet connected device

•  The SKYTUNNEL LED will be on if the Inception can contact SkyTunnel.  

If this LED is not on, ensure internet access is available

•  To connect, navigate to:


where SERIALNUMBER is the serial number of your Inception, found on top of the 
controller (e.g WS001923)

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide



Direct Connection

Local Network
