INMOTION accessories. The name for the app is INMOTION.
You can download the app from our official website or relevant App Stores (IOS system: Apple App Store; Android System:
Google Play)
The following functions are achieved by the app:
Basic control of the unicycle settings: power on, power off, lock, unlock.
Unicycle status display: display of speed, mileage, and battery status.
Unicycle configuration setting: set the sound volume, protection speed, and sensitivity of the pedals.
Sensitivity of the pedals: Different user experiences provided by adjusting the sensitivity of the pedals.
Music customization: customize the voice tips of the unicycle.
Fault inspection: assess and evaluate the health status of the INMOTION unicycle.
Post-sale services: by using the app, customers can easily communicate with our service personnel for any post-sale
Hardware upgrades: to detect any newly released hardware for the unicycle and to upgrade the unicycle online.
My way: check the new route of the unicycle by using GPS.
For more detailed introduction of the app, please refer to the app itself, the help document, or download the instruction of the latest
app from the INMOTION official website.
The INMOTION unicycle connects with mobile devices via Bluetooth 4.0 BLE which is applicable to Android 4.3 or later
versions, iPhone 4sandabove,iOS 7.0 and other new version of the system.