IN2080 / 2081 / 2090 OPERATION MANUAL - REV. 2.1 02/19/00
©1994-1997 - INLINE, INC.
The IN2081 and IN2090 have been designed with internal controls which may be used by qualified
technicians to adjust certain signal parameters. These controls are infrequently used and do not require
adjustment for normal daily operation. (The IN2080 contains no internal controls).
CAUTION: Any adjustment of internal controls must only be carried out by qualified technicians.
The interface case must be opened to adjust these controls and extreme care must be taken to avoid
electric shock to the technician and/or damage to the unit.
The following procedure may be used to access the IN2081 and IN2090 internal controls.
Remove the screw on the bottom of the unit and slide the top cover off.
Locate the desired control pot and gently adjust it using a small plastic "tweeker" tool.
Replace the top cover and tighten the case screw.
IN2081 Internal Controls
Sync on Green Stripper Level Control - This control has been calibrated at the factory and should not
be adjusted unless absolutely necessary. The typical sign that this control is misadjusted is a very green
image on the display device attached to the IN2081 RGBS output. This control is a tiny blue and white
pot located on the IN2081 circuit board immediately adjacent to the horizontal position control (see
diagram below). Adjust the pot as needed to achieve a good quality image with proper color balance.