Product Features
The Wi-Fi Gateway can be used in conjunction with
relevant Bluetooth thermometers and hygrometers or
Wireless thermometers and hygrometers to help those
equipment to connect to the server through Wi-Fi.
Download and install Inkbird Pro app for free, then all
connected equipment can be controlled on your phone.
Part of Bluetooth Connection Equipment Models:
IBS-TH1, IBS-TH1 Mini, IBS-TH1 Plus, IBS-P01B
Part of Wireless Connection Equipment Models:
Note: Maximum 4 equipment at one time.
Inkbird IBS-M1
Wi-Fi Gateway
Input Voltage: DC 5V, 1000mA
Maximum Bluetooth Connection Distance: 164ft(the
distance will be shorter if there are interferences)
Wireless transmission frequency: 433Mhz
Maximum Wireless Connection Distance: 300ft(the
distance will be shorter if there are interferences)
Maximum 4 equipment at one time
Warranty: 1 year
Wi-Fi Connection
3.1 Get Inkbird Pro app for your phone
Search the Inkbird Pro app from Google Play or App Store
to download it for free, or you can scan the QR code to
download it directly.
Please make sure all the following requirements are met
to download the app smoothly:
1. Your iOS device must be running iOS 10.0 or above to
download the Inkbird Pro app.
2. Your Android device must be running Android 4.4 or
above to download the Inkbird Pro app.
3.2 Connect to your phone
1. Register before using the Inkbird Pro app. Select your
Country/Region, enter your phone number or e-mail, then
a verification code will be sent to you, enter it to confirm
your identity and the registration is done.
2. Open the app and click “+” to start the connection.
3. Plug in the Inkbird Wi-Fi Gateway, the Wi-Fi button will
flash rapidly by default, confirm it on your app when
promoted, then enter your Wi-Fi password to connect to
wireless network, click OK to connect the device.
4. Connection succeed.
Note: Please skip Section 3.3 if you have already
connected your Wi-Fi gateway to the Wi-Fi network
successfully, the Section 3.3 is prepared for customers
who have special needs or can not connect their Wi-Fi
gateway in this mode.
3.3 Connect the device in AP mode
If the Wi-Fi gateway is not connected to your phone, the
light of Wi-Fi button will flash rapidly by default. Press and
hold the button for about 5 seconds to switch to AP mode,
the light of Wi-Fi button will flash slowly in the mode 5
seconds later.
1. Open the app and click “+” to start the connection.
2. Plug in the Inkbird Wi-Fi Gateway, choose the IBS-M1
Wi-Fi gateway , click “AP Mode” of the right top corner,
check if the light of Wi-Fi button is blinking slowly and
confirm on your app if it is, then enter your Wi-Fi
password to connect to wireless network, click OK to
connect the device.
3. The app will redirect to your phone’s WLAN Setting
interface, select the “SmartLife-XXXX” to directly connect
to the router without typing in password. Go back to the
app and enter the automatic connection interface to click
4. Connection succeed.
3.4 Wi-Fi Reset
Press and hold the “Wi-Fi” button for 5 seconds to reset
the Wi-Fi, then repeat the steps above to connect with
your phone.
The device only supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi router.
3.5 Main Interface of the IBS-M1 Wi-Fi Gateway on
Inkbird Pro
A. Model of the Wi-Fi Gateway device
B. Connection status
C. Model and the picture of the Sensor 1
D. Instant temperature of the internal probe
E. Instant temperature of the external probe
F. The graph of temperature and humidity
G. Basic information of the Wi-Fi Gateway device
H. Switchable temperature unit
I. Battery capacity
J. Instant humidity of the internal probe
K. Settings for Sensor 1
Wi-Fi Button
Reset Button