Freedom is lost now…!
6.9 Single Locating
Any number call the tracker device, it will reply a SMS including the position of latitude and longitude if
don’t set up the authorized number. If authorized number has set successfully, the device won’t reply SMS
including the positioning of latitude and longitude when the unauthorized number dials up it.
Dialing the tracker device from the authorized number, it will hang up your calling and respond to a real-
time latitude and longitude information as following:
Tracking location, when no GPS signal, the SMS includes the last valid latitude & longitude as well as the LAC
code of current position, the LAC code can be input in the column of “manual track” menu of web platform to
check location.
6.10 Auto track continuously
6.10.1 Track with limited times upon time interval:
Send SMS command “fix030s005n +password” to the tracker device, it will report the latitude &
longitude at 30s intervals of 5 times. (s:second, m:minute, h:hour). This command set must be in 3 digits
and the maximum value is 255.
6.10.2 Track with unlimited times upon time interval:
Send SMS “fix030s***n+password” to the tracker device, it will reply the latitude & longitude
continuously at interval of 30 seconds.
Note: the interval must not less than 20s.
6.10.3 Smart track upon time and distance interval: Please set "track with unlimited times upon time interval" before this function, and send
"dpspace+distance", tracker will reply "Distance ok", and then tracker will locate upon
both the pre-set time and distance.
E.G: Send "distance123456 0050", it means distance is 50 meters; the number must be 4 digits Arabic
numbers. Set this function on web server: Set time interval first and then distance interval, tracker will
locate upon the time and distance.
6.10.4 Cancel: Send SMS “nofix+password” to the tracker device to cancel the “auto track”.
6.11. Automatic update positions of vehicle turns
6.11.1 The tracker will update the positions automatically to web server once the vehicle changing driving
direction over pre set angle value to form a smooth trajectory consistent with the actual road, this
function works only in GPRS mode.
6.11.2 Send "angle+pspace+angle" to tracker, it will reply" angle ok".
6.11.3 The angle must be 3 digits Arabic numbers, default angle value is 30 degree.
6.12. GPS drift suppression
6.12.1 This function is deactivated as default, send "spassword" to tracker, it will reply" suppress drift
ok". The GPS data stop updating if vehicle is not driving (ACC is OFF) and latitude and longitude always
keep same, and GPS data updates automatically when vehicle is moving.