Book 22091102 (12/01)
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SECTION 2 -- Warranty
Ingersoll--Rand, through its distributor, warrants that
each item of equipment manufactured by it and deliv-
ered hereunder to the initial user will be free of defects
in material and workmanship for a period of three (3)
months from initial operation or six (6) months from the
date of shipment to the initial user, whichever occurs
With respect to the following types of equipment, the
warranty period enumerated below will apply in lieu of
the foregoing warranty period.
-- The earlier of nine (9) months
from date of shipment to or six (6) months from
start up by initial user.
Portable Compressors, Portable Generator
Sets (GENSET), Portable Light Towers and
Air Dyers
-- The earlier of twelve (12) months
from shipment to or the accumulation of 2,000
hours of service by the initial user.
Portable Compressor Air Ends --
The earlier of
twenty--four (24) months from shipment to or
the accumulation of 4,000 hours of service by
the initial user. For Air Ends, the warranty
against defects will include replacement of the
complete Air End, provided the original Air End
is returned assembled and unopened.
Portable Compressor Airend Limited Option-
al Warranty
-- The earlier of sixty (60) months
from shipment to or the accumulation of 10,000
hours of service. The optional warranty is limited
to defects in rotors, housings, bearings and gears
and provided all the following conditions are met:
The original airend is returned assembled and
Continued use of genuine Ingersoll--Rand parts,
fluids, oils and filters.
Maintenance is performed at prescribed inter-
Genset Generators --
The earlier of twenty--four
(24) months from shipment to or the accumula-
tion of 4,000 hours of service by the initial user.
Portable Light Tower Generators --
The earlier
of twelve (12) months from shipment to or the ac-
cumulation of 2,000 hours of service by the initial
user. Light Source model only, the earlier of
twenty--four (24) months from shipment to or the
accumulation of 4,000 hours of service.
Ingersoll--Rand Engines --
The earlier of
twenty--four (24) months from shipment to or the
accumulation of 4,000 hours of service.
Ingersoll--Rand Platinum Drive Train Warran-
ty (Optional)
-- Platinum drive train pertains to
the Ingersoll--Rand Engine and Airend combina-
tion. The earlier of sixty (60) months from ship-
ment to, or the accumulation of 10,000 hours of
service. The starter, alternator, fuel injection sys-
tem and all electrical components are excluded
from the extended warranty. The airend seal and
drive coupling are included in the warranty (air-
end drive belts are not included). The optional
warranty is automatically available when meet-
ing the following conditions:
The original airend is returned assembled and
Continued use of genuine Ingersoll--Rand
parts, fluids, oil and filters.
Maintenance is performed at prescribed inter-
It is the obligation of the user to provide verifica-
tion that these conditions have been satisfied
when submitting warranty claims.
Spare Parts
– Six (6) months from date of