Ingersoll-Rand TS7N7.5 Owner'S Manual With Parts List Download Page 21

Summary of Contents for TS7N7.5

Page 1: ...IngersollRand TS7N7 5 Owner s Manual With Parts List More Than Air Answers CCN _7882 On ne answers _tp J_ _vw air rco com REV A DATE FEBRUARY 2003...

Page 2: ...nJurjof dwath Draintank dsi_ siter _w h a _ Ondnw i mIor l_ _t bottomof tank CN IllOH RISKOFBUR SlING Uca _mlymd _e air handlingpmrt_ I_pl_ble for premmmof no_ ecathmnthemulmum arlowable work ngpressu...

Page 3: ...orm in _le pump_mdpmdmm_udge In_ f bricant cau_Jng runnl_gparmtowe_ out prematurely Exce fNe molstt _b esp_Jally IRm_y to occur I_ounlt i_ lacalodIn en unheatod Twod4F_ ofexc_ humldllyare e_ma _ond un...

Page 4: ...e m d federallawand_s _ _ ll mt dtereo_ler dte_k valve bloekvllve m ttty _ h_a t tstd_k_t fi_tdd_d to d_ m_lx _ _r dt_hwg_ hwtat pr_pedy lz_l ASME _ safety nelkaf valve bebveanthe omprmmm dllchoq e an...

Page 5: ...Seaso Select ister on _ pump mustbe decafoontzedand11us_hed before conve_ lo_ Contact Ingor_oli Rand for moreE_ Torma _on FnJJNG PROC_LIRES Unscrew8rid remove _e _ _I pl 9 2 F_the cmr_se W_lJubrlcant...

Page 6: NOTE The auxllisry valve is f_to_y We sat at 5 PSIG k w_r U_n th_ faclmy pressure iWill_h i_tlJng CAUTION Running unloaded for mom than 2_ mlrmtu per hour or m_ than 15 mlnutm _tlnually with the us...

Page 7: ..._ evmy 20 houm at opemU_n 5Homepaw_ X 20Ho_mof r_0_ Operm on Hoump_h Ounca l he ompremmr Intheexample pesses theol consump_ te_t NOTE New orrM ugt ompmuor pumpswill all dirge htgtmrtha nnormalmmunk o...

Page 8: ...n gauge Fomethobelttothedeflec_nIndkm_ l In_ BELT TENSIONTABLE IntheDIAGRAMS TABLES se_on Compare _e m_lng onI_et_tsk_ gauge tothetable Er_n _ _ puley_d _ am _ _ _t_ motor anchor rows areadequably m_h...

Page 9: ...mwhenrunnlng Mobttx_ incnmkca _or mlR_y alppemance InpeUoleum lubdcant orrusting Incyflndexs Motor ovedoad trips ordraws excessl e current Oilind_hslge _r ollpumping Ogleaking h orn shafteeal _afetyhe...

Page 10: ...e _ forbe_r _irflow Draine_ling lubdclmt amtr_ w_hp_p_ k_xlo_L _ tubing andoonnectlonLTlgh_n c_ieorreplace n _lUb ed Drainexlstln_ lubricant endre_lllwlth proper lubricant Drainex_m_lubricant Addlubri...

Page 11: ...T L3 21 23FT LB 34 36FT LB Cyinder Flange 21 23FT I B 21 23FT L B 34 36FT LB 21 23FT LB 34 36FT LB Beltwheel 21 23FT LB 21 23FT LB 21 23FT LB 21 23FT LB 21 23FT LB LowOilLevelSwitchBafl e 102 106IN LB...

Page 12: ...ermb _al Conl_l CircuitFuse H g_AirTemperatureSwftch _ LowOULevel _tch Motor StarterOverload Pre_ta e Switch Selec_ Swnch _ern_ v_ng _ _U g 3 p_ae starter to 1 phesee_k_on n_ P_m w_w NOTE On untbemqul...

Page 13: ...leypk_d Hm o _ eUam_x uea i...


Page 15: ...sona_ I ol tanquu o_ldado_ pueden camNir una m_plasi_m y tNionm graves o mue_m Vacle el tnnques o l_lamenta o despu4s carla uso V hrula de ubh ada al fon_ chdtanq_ pari pre_lones no Infwkass i la Ixrm...

Page 16: ...En _ ecue_t_nente hOmedu se puede acurnul_rhumedad e_ 18bombey pmduck sedlmentos en el Modcante EStocsuser_ e_desgaste prematurede tes ple_s md_es Es muyprobableque se produzcaun exceso dehumeded stt...

Page 17: ...cas y Juntehem_lca_ _s unlone_p_a ev_ fug_ de _ e 7UE_ _A _ DF _CARGA DI_ LIQU_DO CONI_ N _AJDO _iir_n_ un_ lir_ de le_nrg_ de l_i_o oon_n_do que la co exit debe set Lancortay dk ectecomosea podble y...

Page 18: ...una t_rnpsr_ umde ignic_n de P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F 343 C osupe_or Canselt_ b t bla de vl ooelded de lub cant de petn _leo a on_nued_ La _ x_ende _ Ar _o _rno _ui 8 general Las o_dk_one_ do operadde _e...

Page 19: ...bk_o enle Fabrica om Jnmm_ 135 PStG eJdmTuntor aulurtUtSco se reponeen cero y marranca _aunldad CONTRO_ OOBLF_ Este _ de _ _ o _e s ics a _s unldsdes_n moor ek x t too de m_ d_ 10 ud_los de i_rada o_o...

Page 20: ...ura de man xnetm alaquesedes_ne_a la ui_d S _ _ nece_ado mpita _pmce_n_ento deajuste EJ dlfemrx _d mln_mo po_blee_deaprox_adarnente un20 _ek_ _s_ _ _es_n Es_j_Ue _enerun d_rendal Iom_l mnpllo po_blepa...

Page 21: ...que sihayfugu deaim Ponga ague jabonoea ekededor deleejunt_ nde_tms d ornpre_or e_l_t fundonahdo yobserve _d _ pmduc_ butzxUaz Ump_t v_lv_ade_naJe _ e_sp_te delostomUk_ ypemos Vue_a a awetw es necesad...

Page 22: ...pslJebe que la po_eey ks ro_denaesMn _dineadesy que l_ t_sk_ de la corms s_e eatls_ctorie despu_ de nMalar_otnms nuevas ode tenMr coffees e dstente_ II_CCI_N DELTANQUE R_CBPTOR Lavlda 0ti de untenque...

Page 23: ...ts cuando se deUene 30 Ruldo excedvo dure_te laopemc _ 2 6 15 16 24 29 Demasladas t_rtldas y p_ades 5 11 16 29 34 Golpea o _thlo_t 2 15 17 19 20 21 Lasluc_ destel_an o se ut_a du_ntu la opurnci_ 12 13...

Page 24: ..._or ct_e_l y bsnd_ delTimsmblbn Rep_e o_ce U_0_ l sea r_esado ue el compre_ en una podd6n con metorv_ Vecle eilulxk_nte e_tente y vuelvae _enar onuno adecuado Revi_ la tuberiay kls o0_mdonos Apdo_las...

Page 25: ...T LB 34 36 FT L B Bdda del cNndm 21 23 FT LB 21 23 FT 13 34 36 FT LB 21 23 FT LB 34 36 FT UB _25 5 31NI_ 2S 5 31 tiM _46 4_ NM _26 5 _ 1I_M 464_ tIM Ruedadolacom a 21 23 F r LB 21 23 FT LB 21 23 FT LB...

Page 26: ...emperaturedel ab e LOL5 ntermptorde bljo nlveldeace_e M Boblrmdel emancedor_el _ PS Dlsyunt_ autonW4co SS Conn_tador select_ CableedoaltemetJvopare con _8 run EDV NOTA _n meunlda_ que rKlu a 4n un au...

Page 27: ...ira t m 1...

Page 28: ...17ptca unlWd_mplex _r_al i l m RECDVER REIJEF AIR RECQ_R TANK _OIL RLL PLUG 4 x MOUN ilNG B_ T SLOT _...

Page 29: ...olr quot dbnnoment ou m dmqu_ uffllu_o La _upape de v_ange u t_ve au fond du rdsetvo_r ATI_ N1X N R_QUE D L_ LATEh_NT _er mr _km_en demp164 ee_ man pu_on d a_r pouvant m cq t_ des pmn ons n_n I_deures...

Page 30: ...le lubdrcmtet ru_me pr_natun_e de_ _ mobles UrmquerdY_excessived humldM aura tendanoe 6 se f_ m_ _ fe compmsseure_trJtu_dartsun ieu n_ll chauff6 quiestexp_ I1de grandes var_s de V_ici de_ sigrmsd Jmkl...

Page 31: ...E REFOULEMENT O AIR COMPRIMEL U _lserun mat_deu d _mch_t surtous les ttlmagesge la tuymute_eet t_n serr_ les _ armde pr_Nenlrmu_ f_lted alr CN AUS_TIONS DE _MENT DU CONDENSAT Sh m_cap akrOn de _oulen_...

Page 32: ...ements concemen_l_ gamnUe pining M se reporter_ larubdque _ LUBRIFIANT8DERECHANGE OnpeutuUllwrunlub_a_t XL 300ou basedep4drole comparable _ condi don qu il mit dequ_ f_sup4_leum qu lneoc_M en_e aucun...

Page 33: ...sta pos_on MARCHE AUTOMATIQUE SIle dlspos_ _t munld urlInl_r de rml che srr_ ONtOFF I_rle parmeaudecormmmde met_ ellhm_l_i_Jr en ON Ma d_ _r de_nmm_ de_m_ mm_k_ typ__ f_ O 4 OuvrVlantement la soupape...

Page 34: ...AGE DIFFI_RENTIEL Un immsostat toni d un levler de mardno wrlt n a pu de PROCi_DURE5 DE RI_GLAGE Pru_tat sans ommande de n_gllge dlff_Uel 2 E_recluerk_r_g_ge dela portGeen _Jmant I_ _ls de r_glsge de...

Page 35: ...e_m rmplacemem em pl_ _ aflndefarJJ_ Jeur aeumbfae_ 6v_t_ I _ _k_mn_ d _m nbliee _md quekm ph_u flgunmt dartsfeeI _mt_i_on_ peuv_d ne pae _m _ i v _n REMAR_UE Totlt l_ lie f_orird pls datl la pn mmtlm...

Page 36: ...cI allgnemen_ exac_du centredes raJnuru dela pouliemo_ etdu volant atnslque le Nrrage du boulom dar_age du moteur _ A_ Un allgnuNnt In ararat _ la peulle Ldlu _m_ _t tm t_nttottnwna_lt lu_k_Fttt de h_...

Page 37: ...tex_ess__ rusaue 2 6 15 16 24 29 Cognemenl ou cliquetis 2 15 17 19 20 21 L_ voyant c_otent ou s a_dlA_ent Iota du_nemont 12 t3 Humld_ dans le ar_ pr_dpel ou _t l lteuxdu lulxlflant _ base dep_rofe ou...

Page 38: ...encobtu n_ ounon affaeh_ _ v tmmdepou_ Tropdoc_denmt dar _ lerttz_volr Raccord_ceudedconnecteu_ de_er_ _3LIJTION PO_IBLE N_tl_fQr ou IUrT_BO_ V_trilbr Io_lanl lapou_ rr_ lce le_ebromCn latom_ ot _ d l...

Page 39: ...FT LB 2t 23 FT LB 34 36 FT LB Brlde de v_ n 21 23 FT I _ 21 23 FT L_ 34 36 FT I B 2t 23 FToLB 34 36 FT LB 28 5 31HM _25 5 3 _ NM 46 49 HVI 25 5 31HM t46 45 NM Courroletm_moldale 21 23 FT US 21 23FT LB...

Page 40: ...r CBNH Conlacteur b_ nbeaud hulle M Boblne ded mwn_Jr OL Surcharge deboblne ded_narreur PS PmssQsU_ 5 S_e_eur Cablege deremplacement pour la or_ndon d_l_d_lertage Mpllas6 i une_ slfouml _DV RF MARQUE...

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Page 45: ...753 BELTWHEEL 10 22216 f2 _ BRACE INTERCOOLER 11 950 38147 BUSHING REDUCING 12 g6730437 CAPSCRL W 13 32247942 CLAMP IhlTERCOOL F_ 14 32157554 CONNECTOR 15 54 8888O8 CYLINDER 16 g5031761 ELBOW 1718 951...

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Page 47: ...2 X 6 47 5430_q_ ELg_W 5 TR ST 48 5457_ C4_ dH _ ELEGTRtC 49 _ CONNEGTO_ 11111 22180145 KIT _ TARTUP U_E I_NVE_ION KIT61293250TO CONVERTFROM 230V TO480V VAPJE S R FER TO INFORMATIONPROVIOEDON STARTER...

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