8-18 Area Temperature Measurement
Drawing a temperature area measurement box will allow users to determine the
minimum, maximum, and average temperature in a given space. Information
is displayed on screen in screen. Detect temperature information from a user
designated area as follows:
Press the Menu button or tap the touchscreen to display the Main Menu.
2. Select the measurement icon:
3. Press the OK button to open Sub-menu.
4. Select Area icon:
5. Press and hold; then, drag on the touchscreen. Release to select an area.
Resize the temperature area by tapping-and-dragging on the corners of the
box. Temperature data will be gathered.
8-17 Line Temperature Measurement
Users can detect the hottest temperature along a set line as follows:
Press the Menu button or tap the touchscreen to display the Main Menu.
2. Select the measurement icon:
3. Press the OK button to open Sub-menu.
4. Select Line icon:
5. Press and hold; then, drag on the touchscreen. Release to set the line.
Hottest temperature point (marked by a red triangle) will move along the
8-17-1 Move a Line Temperature Measurement
Move a temperature line as follows:
Create a line temperature measurement.
2. Using the touchscreen, tap-and-drag the line to change its location.
Release to set.
8-17-2 Delete a Line Temperature Measurement
Delete a temperature line as follows:
Using the touchscreen, tap the temperature spot to be deleted.
2. Tap the delete icon at the top left of the screen.