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OPTIREG™ PMIC TLF30682QVS01 application board user manual
Board configuration and testing
The LEDs on the application board will draw a few milliamps of current from the different voltage rails. The
LEDs can be disabled for efficiency and quiescent current measurements by removing the J302 jumper.
Reverse polarity protection
The TLF3068x Application Board has components allowing either passive or active reverse polarity protection.
Reverse polarity protection is available when the battery input power supply is connected to J101. The
Application Board can also be tested without reverse polarity protection by connecting the battery input power
supply to J100 instead of J101.
Active reverse polarity protection is provided by MOSFET Q100 when a jumper is placed between pin 2 and 3 on
J103 header. Q100 will be turned on when the output of Boost1 of the TLF30682QVS01 is ON.
Diode DRP100 provides passive reverse polarity protection when a jumper is placed between pin 1 and 2 on
J103 header.
Active reverse polarity protection will be more efficient with lower losses than passive reverse polarity
protection. This is because the Q100 voltage drop will be less the DRP100 voltage drop.