CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W PSoC 64 Standard Secure – AWS Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-30680 Rev. *B
Bill of Materials
Refer to the BOM files in the
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W handle a voltage connection when multiple power sources
are plugged in?
There are three different options to power the baseboard; KitProg3 Micro-B USB connector (
PSoC 64 MCU Micro-B USB connector (
), and External DC supply via VIN connector (
). The
voltage from each of the sources in passed through ORing diodes that supply VCC_IN.
2. What are the input voltage tolerances? Is there any voltage protection on this kit?
Input voltage levels are as follows:
USB Micro-B connector
(J6, J7)
4.5 V to 5.5 V
5.5 V
VIN connector
7 V to 12 V
18 V
The Kit can’t be powered through the programming header J11 and has reverse voltage
protection on this header.
3. Why is the voltage of the kit restricted to 3.3 V? Can’t it drive external 5-V interfaces?
PSoC 64 MCU is not meant to be operated at voltages greater than 3.6 V. Powering PSoC 64
MCU to more than 4 V will damage the chip. It is recommended to power PSoC 64 MCU at 3.3 V.
4. I am unable to program the target device.
a. Check
to ensure that jumper shunt is placed.
b. Make sure that no external devices are connected to the external programming header J11.
c. Update your KitProg3 version to the latest one using the steps mentioned in the
5. What additional overlays can be used with the CapSense?
Any kind of overlays (up to 5-mm thickness) like wood, acrylic, and glass can be used with
CapSense. Note that additional tuning may be required when the overlay is changed.
Table 4-4. Input voltage levels
Typical I/P Voltage
Absolute max