The Aquaworx Tapper Instructions:
The Tapper broadcasts a wireless signal that is specifically designed to allow the
user to program the Aquaworx IPC Panel using a Wi-Fi enabled device. The Tapper
connects to the panel using a standard RJ45 cable (included) and communicates via
a Wi-Fi connection to a Wi-Fi enabled device such as a mobile phone, tablet or
laptop computer. Once connected, the user navigates to a website with all control
settings for the IPC Panel. The Tapper is intended for use with multiple panels and
includes a USB slot, allowing the user to capture and download system events and
settings onto a removable USB memory device. This provides the operator with a
history of system function, which is critical to troubleshooting and maintaining a
pump-driven system.
Press the power button you will see a green light next to “Power”. In a few seconds you will hear a beep.
After powering up the Tapper please wait through the start-
up sequence (≈40 seconds). Once the light is on next
to “Wi
fi” and DLC, you are ready to communicate with the panel.
Connect the Tapper to the circuit board in the Aquaworx IPC Panel using the provided rj45 cable.
Go to available Wi-Fi networks on your Laptop, tablet or cell phone. Find and select the network with a name
starting in “Tapper” and ending in
four random characters
*If you do not see the network restart the process.
The passw
ord for the for this Tapper unit will be the word “aquaworx
all lower case, followed by the
random characters
found in the Wi-fi network name exactly as they appear (These characters are case
Example below
Wi-fi name (SSID): Tapper7BDA
Wi-fi Password: aquaworx7BDA
Once connected to the Tapper network*, open your browser and enter
in the address Bar.
* Note: When connected to the Tapper network, the user is not connected to the internet.
The Tapper communicates locally with the control panel only.