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Transpector SPS Operating Manual
2.7 Transpector Cable Box Connections
The cable box mounted on the back of the Transpector electronics module makes
cable connections to most of the subcomponents of the Transpector SPS System.
. Cable connections for the entire Transpector SPS system are
shown in
Short Ethernet cable with port (600-1485-P1) attaches to the supplied RJ45,
Cat5e Ethernet cable, which then connects to the control computer. For
networking information, see
Chapter 3, Connecting Transpector SPS
Aux I/O cable (600-1486-P1) is available for User I/O. See
for additional information about Aux I/O.
Turbo pump cable (600-1475-P1) connects to the turbo pump controller.
Pirani cable (600-1474-P1) connects to the foreline gauge cable.
Solenoid cable (600-1476-P1) connects to the solenoid valve block as well as
the digital pressure switch.
CDG cable (600-1473-P1) connects to the CDG gauge.
Transpector SPS cable (600-1472-P1) connects to the Transpector SPS
interface cable in the cable bundle from the Controller.
Figure 2-7 Cable box and cables
MMSP CPM Ethernet Cable
MMSP Aux I/O Cable (600-1486-P1)
Turbo Cable (600-1475-P1)
Foreline Gauge Cable (600-1474-P1)
Valve Manifold Cable (600-1476-P1)
CDG Cable (600-1473-P1)
CPM Control Cable (600-1472-P1)