- 9. Microfilter insert with retained particle size 1 µm with automatic condensate
- 10. Filter insert with retained particle size 0.01 µm with automatic condensate
- 11. Activated carbon filter no automatic condensate drain
- 12. Pressure regulating valve with pressure sensor for glass scales sealing air
1.0 bar
- 13. Pressure regulating valve for steady rest
- 14. Proportional valve for gripping force adjustment (WPRU)
- 15. Safety pressure sensor
- 16. 3/2-way valve
- 17. Differential pressure sensor
If the differential pressure sensor (17) outputs an error message, all
5 filter elements on the pneumatic system must be replaced.
Filters are hazardous waste and must be disposed of in a controlled
Service and maintenance are to be carried out according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
1. Check pressure setting on pressure gauge and adjust if necessary. An
operating pressure of 6 bar has been set at the factory.
2. Check supply and fluid lines (damage and leakage). Supply and fluid lines must
be checked for damage. Pre-damage such as kinks or abrasions should be
logged and replacement should be initiated.
Example: Various silencer versions from FESTO
Check silencer, replace if necessary
4. Drain condensate (not applicable to auto-drain).
Maintenance Summary - Care activities
Maintenance Instructions
DIE150EN - 05.06.2019