background image

The washer-dryer fails to
fill with water.

Is the hose correctly
connected to the tap?

Is there a water shortage ?
There could be work in
progress in your building or

Is there sufficient water
 The  autoclave
may be malfunctioning.

Is the tap filter clean? If the
water is very calcareous, or
if work has recently been
carried out on the water
piping, the tap filter could be
clogged with particles and

Is the rubber hose kinked?
The tract of the rubber hose
bringing water to washer-
dryer must be as straight as
possible. Make sure it is not
squashed or kinked.

The programme selector
knob keeps turning?

Wait a few minutes for the
drain pump to empty the
switch the washer-dryer

off, select one of the symbols

, then switch it

back on. If the knob continues
to turn, call for assistance
because it is showing an

The washer-dryer
continuously fills and
drains water.

Is the drain hose positioned
too low? 
It must be installed
at a height ranging from 60 to
100 cm.

  Is the end of the hose
immersed in water?

  Does the wall drainage
system have a breather
 If the problem persists
even after these checks, turn
the water supply off the
machine and call for
If you live on an upper floor of
your building, there may be a
problem with your drain trap.
To solve this problem, a
special valve must be

Before calling, read the following


In most cases, when your washer-dryer fails to work, the problems arising can
be easily solved without  having to call for a technician. Before calling for
assistance, always check these points.

The washer-dryer fails to

Is the plug correctly inserted
into the socket?
 It could have
been moved whilst cleaning.

Is there electricity in the
A circuit breaker may have
switched off as a result of too
many electrical appliances
working at the same time. Or
maybe due to a general failure
in your entire area.

Is the washer-dryer door
closed properly?
For safety reasons, the
washer-dryer cannot work if

the door is open or not shut

Is the On/Off button
If it is, then a programmed start
has been set.

Is the programmed start
knob, in the correct position
for those models

Is the water supply turned
 For safety reasons, if the
washer-dryer  does not load
water, it cannot start a wash


Turn off the water
supply after use.
This will eliminate
the possibility of

Always leave the
appliance door ajar
to avoid bad odours.

Clean the
exteriors gently.
To clean the
exteriors and the
rubber parts of the
appliance, always
use a soft cloth
dipped in warm and
soapy water.

Leave the washer-dryer
plugged in while
Even during maintenance,

the appliance should
always be unplugged.

Use solvents and
aggressive abrasives.
Never use solvents or
abrasives to clean the
external and rubber parts
of the washer-dryer.

Neglect the detergent
It is removable and can
easily be cleaned by
leaving it under running

Go on holiday without
thinking about her.
Before leaving, always

make sure that the
washer-dryer is
unplugged and that the

water supply is turned off.




Instructions for installation and use

Simple: with the new Indesit technology,  you need less than

half of it, to get good results on twice as much!
This is why you cannot see the water through the door:

because there is little, very little of it, to respect the
environment yet without renouncing maximum cleanliness.

And, on top of that, you are also saving electricity.

But where did all the water go?

Summary of Contents for WD 125 TS

Page 1: ...WD 125 TS Ñòèðàëüíàÿ ìàøèíà ñ ñóøêîé Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî óñòàíîâêå è ýêñïëóàòàöèè Washer dryer Instructions for installation and use ...

Page 2: ...Ñòèðàëüíàÿ ìàøèíà ñ ñóøêîé 1 Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî óñòàíîâêå è ýêñïëóàòàöèè Washer dryer 15 Instructions for installation and use GB CIS ...

Page 3: ......

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Page 17: ...M Ðóêîâîäñòâîïîóñòàíîâêåèýêñïëóàòàöèè 14 ...

Page 18: would by hand 5 The detergent dispenser p 22 How to use the detergent dispenser 6 Understanding the control panel p 17 Washer dryer s control panel is very simple It has only a few essential buttons to help you choose any type of wash cycle ranging from the most energetic capable of cleaning a mechanic s overalls to the most delicate for wool Familiarising yourself with it will help you get the...

Page 19: ...of the symbols Stop Reset Choosethedesiredprogramme The programme is selected accordingtothetypeofgarments thatneedtobewashed Tochoose aprogramme refertothetableon page 18 Turn knob A until the selected programme is aligned with the mark on the knob turn knob B to the desired temperatu re settings check that knob C is in the desired position if necessary use buttons E F G H and lastly press on off...

Page 20: ...ns press the on off button I position I and wait 5 The setting has now been accepted pilotlampL stayslit andyoucan selecttheprogrammeyoudesire Pilot lamp L has a particular flashing motion 2 on and 4 off to indicate that a delayed start has been set During this phase you can open the appliance door and change the washing load should you wish to do so Afterthewashcyclehasbeenset and accepted by the...

Page 21: ... delicate spin cycle Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle Drying cycle for synthetic fabrics Stop Reset Interrupts Cancels the selected programme DELICATES Hand wash 7 40 C 45 Wash cycle at 40 C rinse cycles and delicate spin cycle Particularly delicate garments and fabrics curtains silk viscose etc 8 30 C 50 Wash cycle at 30 C rinse cycles anti crease or draining Rinse cycles Rinse cycles ...

Page 22: ... cycle knob Set knob A on the appropriate drying setting depending on the type of fabric select the type of drying cycle required using knob C and then press on off button I I position At the end of the drying cycle Wait for lamp L to flash slowly then turn the washer dryer off by pressing on off button I O position Now you can open the appliance door Once you have removed the washing from the app...

Page 23: longer resulting in an improved wash All over Europe garment labels contain messages expressed in small yet important symbols Understanding them is very important if you want to get better results and treat your garments the way they deserve to be treated These symbols are divided in five different categories and shapes washing bleaching ironing dry cleaning and drying Consult and learn the sym...

Page 24: ...s with whites Quilted coats and anorak You can wash quilted coats and wind cheaters too if they are padded with goose or duck down Do not load more than 2 3 kg and never load 5 5 kg Repeat rinse once or twice using the gentle spin How much does it weigh 1 sheet 400 500 gr 1 pillow case 150 200 gr 1 tablecloth 400 500 gr 1 bathrobe 900 1 200 gr 1 towel 150 250 gr Coloured T shirts printed onesandsh...

Page 25: ... because it may form too much foam which could damage the washer dryer Detergents that are specifically formulated for both hand and machine wash are an exception One last secret when washing with cold water always reduce the amount of detergent you use it dissolves less easily in cold water than in hot water so part of it would be wasted Cuttingcostsefficiently A guide to environmentally friendly...

Page 26: ...he socket It could have been moved whilst cleaning Is there electricity in the house A circuit breaker may have switched off as a result of too many electrical appliances working at the same time Or maybe due to a general failure in your entire area Is the washer dryer door closed properly For safety reasons the washer dryer cannot work if the door is open or not shut properly Is the On Off button...

Page 27: ...d Customer Service Centre providing the followinginformation the nature of malfunction the model type no Mod the serial number S N This information can be found on thedataplatesituatedattheback of the washer dryer Is there space between the machine and adjacent units If it is not a built in model the washer dryer will oscillate a bit during the spin cycle A few cm of space should therefore be left...

Page 28: ... 2 When placed oncarpet makesuretheventilation isnotreduced The front feet are adjustable Connection to the water mains Waterpressuremustrangewithin the values indicated on the data plate on the rear of your washer dryer Ifthewaterpipesarenewor leftunused thenbeforeconnecting themachinerunthewateruntilclear toremovedebris Connecttheinlet hose to a cold water tap having a BSP thread Ensure that the...

Page 29: ...en in need check the pump and the rubber hose The washer dryer comes equipped with a self cleaning pump that does not require any cleaning or maintenance Small objects may accidentally fall into the pump coins hair clips loose buttons and other small items To avoid possible damage they are withheld in an accessible pre chamber situated at the lower end of the pump It is important to wash the deter...

Page 30: ...t it is extremely dangerous 9 While the appliance is functioning do not touch the drain water as it could reach very high tempera tures The appliance door during wash cycles tends to become hot ensure that children do no touch it Never force the washer dryer door because this could damage the safety lock which prevents accidental opening when the nachine is working Allow a few minutes at the end o...

Page 31: ...Instructions for installation and use 28 ...

Page 32: ...10 2001 195032254 00 XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES DOCUTECH Merloni Elettrodomestici Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italy Tel 39 0732 6611 Fax 39 0732 662501 www merloni com Leader for young Europe ...
