Indesit ST 145 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 5



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For the preparation of food to be frozen, please consult a 
specialized manual.
- Food that has be thawed, even partially, must not be re-
frozen: you must cook it in order to consume it (within 24 
hours) or to freeze it once again.
- When freezing fresh foods, remember that they should not 
touch other previously frozen or deep frozen foods. Place the 
food that you wish to freeze in the top compartment where 
the temperature will fall below       -1 8°C, which is ideal for 
freezing food properly. Remember that proper conservation 
depends on the speed of freezing.
- During the freezing process, avoid opening the door of the 
- Freeze only the quantities (in kg) shown on the data plate 
situated inside the refrigerator compartment.
- For the best conservation and defrosting, remember to 
freeze small portions; this will ensure rapid and uniform 
freezing. Mark package with a description of the contents 
and the date it was frozen.


 In the case of power failure or breakdown, do not 

open the freezer door. This will help maintain the 
temperature inside the freezer ensuring that foods are 
conserved for at least 17 hours.
- Do not store full bottles in the freezer since they could 
explode when they freeze. (Remember that liquids 
increase in volume when frozen).
-If the room temperature remains below 14°C for an 
extended period of time the freezer will not reach the 
temperatures required for storage, and storage life will 
be shorter. In this case, frozen foodstuffs should be 
used within a relatively short period of time. 
 In order to freeze and then thaw foods optimally, it is 
recommended that you divide food into small portions 
so that they freeze quickly and uniformly. The packages 
should be clearly marked with the content and the date 
they were frozen.

Using the freezer to its full potential

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Downloaded from Manuals

Summary of Contents for ST 145

Page 1: ...cks the appliance still does not operate or the problem persist call the nearest Service centre Communicating appliance model serial number this information can be found on the data plate located on t...

Page 2: ...erature is too high The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting The appliance makes too much noise The gas refrigerant produces a slight noise even when the compressor is not running this is not...

Page 3: ...difficult to remove Use only a water and bicarbonate solution Clean the internal and exterior of your appliance with a sponge soaked with a warm water and sodium bicarbonate solution which is also a...

Page 4: ...Remember that proper storage of food requires good air circulation Overfilling your appliance will prevent this circulation and overwork the compressor Shut the doors Open your appliance only when str...

Page 5: ...ensure rapid and uniform freezing Mark package with a description of the contents and the date it was frozen In the case of power failure or breakdown do not open the freezer door This will help maint...

Page 6: ...unt of time Do not place liquids in containers without covering them because this will lead to an increase in the level of moisture within the refrigerator causing the formation of frost Remember to c...

Page 7: ...CONTROL PANEL Varies by number and or position Overall view Control panel INDICATOR LIGHT THERMOSTAT KNOB INDICATOR LIGHT When this green indicator light is on it indicates that the appliance is conn...

Page 8: ...r and baking soda After having plugged the appliance in make sure that pilot lamp is light Set thermostat knob onto a medium position and can place food in the fridge after only a few hours When the f...

Page 9: ...iance remember to break or remove the lock as a safety measure to protect children who might lock themselves inside the appliance when playing In addition if the appliance is a new one with a lock kee...

Page 10: ...stallation and Setting up 13 Positioning and connection Description of the appliance 14 Overall view Control panel Using the refrigerator to its full potential 15 Using the freezer to its full potenti...
