Indesit IWC 8105 Instructions For Use Manual Download Page 19



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All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for IWC 8105

Page 1: ...tergent dispenser drawer Bleach cycle Preparing the laundry Garments requiring special care Load balancing system Precautions and tips 9 General safety Disposal Opening the porthole door manually Care...

Page 2: walls furniture cabinets or anything else 2 If the floor is not perfectly level compen sate for any unevenness by tightening or loosening the adjustable front feet see figure the angle of inclinati...

Page 3: ...ose and must not exceed 150 cm in length Electrical connections Before plugging the appliance into the electricity socket make sure that the socket is earthed and complies with all applicable laws the...

Page 4: ...e remaining until the wash cycle starts will be indicated see next page DOOR LOCKED indicator light indicates whether the door may be opened or not see next page START PAUSE button with indicator ligh...

Page 5: ...porthole door is locked to prevent it from being opened make sure the indicator light is off before opening the door wait approximately 3 minutes To open the door during a running wash cycle press th...

Page 6: ...ide only For all Test Institutes 1 TestwashcycleincompliancewithregulationEN60456 setwashcycle 2 withatemperatureof60 C 2 Long wash cycle for cottons set wash cycle 2 with a temperature of 40 C 3 Shor...

Page 7: ...tion with the selected wash cycle Selecting this option enables you to suitably adjust drum rotation temperature and water to a reduced load of lightly soiled cotton and synthetic fabrics refer to the...

Page 8: ...ion The use of extra compartment 4 excludes the Pre wash option 1 2 3 4 Preparing the laundry Divide the laundry according to the type of fabric the symbol on the label the colours separate coloured g...

Page 9: ...he packaging materials observe local regulations so that the packaging may be re used The European Directive 2002 96 EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment requires that old household electri...

Page 10: ...he pump The washing machine is fitted with a self cleaning pump which does not require any maintenance Sometimes small items such as coins or buttons may fall into the pre chamber which protects the p...

Page 11: ...llation The free end of the hose is under water see Installation The wall drainage system is not fitted with a breather pipe If the problem persists even after these checks turn off the water tap swit...

Page 12: ...Centre using the telephone number provided on the guarantee certificate Always request the assistance of authorised technicians Have the following information to hand the type of problem the applianc...

Page 13: ...13 GR 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GR IWC 8105 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 14: ...14 GR 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 2 2 1 3 4 gas 2 3 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 15: ...100 cm 65 100 cm 150 cm 3 IWC 8105 cm 59 5 cm 85 cm 60 1 8 kg 1 MPa 10 bar 0 05 MPa 0 5 bar 62 1000 EN 60456 2 60 C 8 kg 89 336 CEE 03 05 89 2002 96 CE 2006 95 CE All manuals and user guides at all gu...

Page 16: ...16 GR stand by stand by ON OFF All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...

Page 17: ...17 GR 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 18: ...cial 6 cachemire 40 600 l l 2 1 55 51 7 30 0 l l 2 1 55 51 8 JEANS 40 800 l l 4 80 9 EXPRESS 30 800 l l 1 5 15 10 OUTWEAR 30 400 l 2 5 46 Sport 11 Sport Intensive 30 600 l l 4 80 12 Sport Light 30 600...

Page 19: ...19 GR 1000 800 600 1 2 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K 4 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mini 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 20: ...4 2 3 4 4 1 max 4 4 1 2 3 4 max 8 kg max 3 5 kg max 2 kg max 2 kg max 2 kg 1 400 500 gr 1 150 200 gr 1 400 500 gr 1 900 1 200 gr 1 150 250 gr 6 2 kg 7 7 Jeans 8 All manuals and user guides at all gui...

Page 21: ...21 GR 2002 96 EK 1 2 3 4 5 20 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...

Page 22: ...22 GR 1 2 3 4 5 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 23: ...23 GR 65 100 cm 1 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 24: ...24 GR Mod S N 195072694 02 10 2008 Xerox Business Services All manuals and user guides at all guides com...
