Cheetah Pregius Camera with GigE Vision
Interface – User Manual
August 27, 2019
Rev 1.0
Strobe Controls
These registers enable and control the two available strobes. Strobe signals map to one or
both of the available strobe outputs. Please remember that some cameras have only one
output available (see
Figure 55:
Strobe parameters
The following descriptions apply the same to either Output 1 (OUT1) or Output 2 (OUT2) and
to either Strobe1 or Strobe2.
OUT1Polarity / OUT2Polarity
Sets the OUT1 or OUT2 active logic level to either Active Low
or Active High.
OUT1Selector / OUT2Selector
Maps the camera’s internal signals to the respective Output.
The signals are: ExposureStart, ExposureEnd, MidExposure,
ExposureActive, HSync, VSync, OddEvenFrame,
TriggerActual, TriggerDelayed, CameraReady,
PulseGenerator, Strobe1, Strobe2, ToggleOut1 (refer to the
5.10 Strobe and Synchronization Controls
information on output signals).
Strobe1Mode / Strobe2Mode
Sets the Strobe 1 and Strobe 2mode of operation. The
options are: Off, EachFrame, OddFrame, EvenFrame.
Strobe1Width / Strobe2Width
Sets the strobe pulse duration in microseconds.
Strobe1Delay / Strobe2Delay
Sets the strobe delay from reference, in microseconds.