Imperial Cal Products, Inc.
When ordering Parts we need the following information:
Model Number (not serial number) found on UL label inside hood.
Exact dimensions (in the case of filters)
You can find the model number on the inside of your hood on our UL label. There will be a
several model numbers listed, your model number should have a colored dot or mark next to
it to indicate the exact model you have.
In the case of Filters, we will need the
exact dimensions of the filter needed
Indicate which side has the pull tabs on it. Filters are not a warranty replacement part. With
care your filters should last many years.
Payment on Parts is handled one of three ways: PrePaid (you send a check prior to our
Shipping), call with credit card information, VISA or MasterCard, COD or Cash if you decide
to “Will Call”.
When calling in for Service we need the following information:
Model Number (not serial number)
Proof of Purchase
Name of company you purchased the hood through.
Name & Phone number of the person to contact to set up the service call.
Full address of the location where service is to be done.
Warranty is Seven Years, Parts and Labor.
Canada, Parts ONLY.