setting that best suits your needs. The setting of “5” should be
appropriate for home or office use.
To turn the refrigerator off, turn the temperature control to ”0”.
• Turning the temperature control to “0” position stops the
cooling cycle but does not shut off the power to the unit.
• If the unit is unplugged or has lost power or is turned off, you
must wait 3 to 5 minutes before restarting the unit. If you at-
tempt to restart before the wait time the unit will not start.
When you open the door the light will turn ON automatically.
When you close the door the light will turn OFF automatically.
For the most efficient operation and minimum energy consump-
tion, defrost the freezer compartment when the frost on the re-
frigerator walls is excessive or ¼ inch thick.
There is no need to defrost the refrigerator compartment, be-
cause ice depositing on the inner back wall is defrosted automat-
ically. Ice may deposit on the inner back wall during the compres-
sor operation; later on, when the compressor is not operating the
ice will defrost and the water drops collect and drain through the
outlet in the inner back wall into the drain pan situated above the
compressor where it will evaporate.
• Reset the thermostat to the “0” position and disconnect the
power supply.
• Remove the frozen food from the refrigerator and place it in a
cooler to protect the food.
• Leave the door open for a while so that you can easily scrap off