Impco ET98 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1


April, 2013                                                   IMPCO Technologies Inc.                                                    PPI-118 
REV. C                                                           3030 South Susan St.                                                 Page 1 of 2 

Santa Ana, CA 92704 




Important:  Any maintenance, service or repair should 
be performed by trained and experienced service 
technicians.  Proper tools and equipment should be 
used to prevent injury to the servicing technician, 
property or system components.  Service repairs 
should always be performed in a safe environment 
and the technician should always wear protective 
clothing to prevent injury. 


The IMPCO PPI-118 repair kit instructions will provide 
the technician information to successfully repair the 
ET98 Lockoff with Filter. 


NOTE:  This repair kit cannot be used to repair an 
ET98 not originally equipped with an integrated 
fuel filter. 


Always inspect the major casting pieces for damage, 
corrosion, cracks, or pits before attempting a service 



1.  Close the valve on the LPG or Natural Gas source.  
2.  Run engine until it stalls from lack of fuel.  


Do not allow LPG to contact the skin.  LPG is 
stored in the fuel tank as a liquid.  When LPG 
contacts the atmosphere, it immediately ex-
pands into a gas, resulting in a refrigeration ef-
fect that can cause severe burns to the skin 
and/or eyes.





1.  Remove the Bolt (10) at the bottom of the Filter 

Bowl (8) and remove the Filter Bowl assembly. 


Some residual pressure may be present



2.  Remove the Bracket (3) and O-ring (2). 
3.  Remove the Filter (5) from the Filter Bowl (8) and 

O-rings (6, 9) from the Bolt (10) and rim of Filter 
Bowl.  Discard Filter and O-rings. 




Old (with wire leads) and new (integrated elec-

trical connector) ET98-51315-001 

Shutoff/Lockoff Valves



4.  Thoroughly clean the Filter Bowl (8), Bolt (10), 

Bracket (3) and the Valve Body (1) with a safety 
solvent.  DO NOT submerge the induction coil 
in cleaning solvent, water or any type of liquid. 

5.  Lubricate O-rings with Vaseline or petroleum jelly. 
6.  Place the O-ring (7) in the rim of the Filter Bowl 


7.  Place O-ring (9) on the Bolt (10).  Insert Bolt all 

of the way into the Filter Bowl (8). 

8.  Place O-ring (6) on the Bolt (10) and slide 

down to the bottom of the Filter Bowl (8). NOTE 
O-ring (6) may already be installed in the filter 
(5).  Place Filter (5) over Bolt. 

9.  Place O-ring (4) on the top of the Filter (5). 
10. Insert O-ring (2) into the ET98 Valve Body (1).  

If necessary, apply extra Vaseline or petroleum 
jelly to the O-ring to hold in place during as-

11. Place the Bracket (3) on top of the Filter Bowl (8)

and mount the entire assembly on the Lockoff 
Body (1).  Thread Bolt (10) into the Lockoff Body
(1), ensuring that the O-ring (3) is properly seat-
ed.  Torque bolt to 11.1 +/- 1.1 ft/lbs. (15 +/- 1.5 

12. Open fuel valve and inspect for leaks using an 

approved leak detector solution.  If no leaks are 
found, re-connect the negative battery cable.  If 
a leak is detected, correct the problem before 
proceeding with these instructions. 

13. Turn Key to ON and inspect for leaks again 

using an approved leak detector solution.  Per-
form a final leak test with the engine running. 
