The boilers are supplied with 2 circulator pumps,
both equipped with speed regulator.
These settings are suitable for most systems.
Boiler circulator pump.
The boilers are sup-
plied with a variable speed circulator pump.
When the boiler operates in heating mode, the
pump speed is defined according to the “P57”
parameter setting in the M5 menu (Par. 3.9), in
domestic hot water mode the circulator pump
always runs at maximum speed.
During the heating stage the Auto and Fixed
operating modes are available.
the ∆T can be controlled compatibly
with the characteristics of the central heating
system and of the boiler.
automatic pump speed. In this mode one
can choose between the “Proportional head”
and “Constant ∆T” option.
Proportional head (
T = 0):
the circulator
speed varies according to the power emit-
ted by the burner, the greater the power the
greater the speed. Within the parameter one
can also adjust the pump operating range,
by setting the maximum speed (adjustable
from 100 %
30 %) and the minimum speed
(adjustable from 30% to the max. set speed).
∆T Constant (∆T = 5 ÷ 25 K):
the pump
speed varies to maintain the ∆T constant
between the system flow and return accord-
ing to set value K. Within the parameter one
can also adjust the pump operating range,
by setting the maximum speed (adjustable
from 100 %
30 %) and the minimum speed
(adjustable from 30% to the max. set speed).
Fixed (100 % ÷ 30 %):
in this mode, the pump
operates at constant speed, the operating range
is defined between minimum (30 %) and maxi-
mum (100 %).
Pump release.
If, after a prolonged period of
inactivity, the circulation pump is blocked,
unscrew the front cap and turn the motor shaft
using a screwdriver. Take great care during this
operation to avoid damage to the motor.
System circulator pump.
The system circulator
pump controls the room heating or cooling re-
quests downstream of the hydraulic manifold.
In fact, the pump is equipped with electronic
control that allows to set advanced functions..
For proper operation one must select the most
suitable type of operation for the system and
select a speed between 2 and 7.
- Constant head program (ΔP C) (4 fig.
The circulator pump maintains the
pressure level (head) constant as the system
heat demand decreases (flow rate reduction).
With these settings, the circulator pump is
suitable for all floor systems where all the
circuits must be balanced for the same drop
in head. One can select the power level from a
minimum one to a maximum one by turning
the selector switch clockwise in the relative
power scale.
- Proportional head program (ΔP V) (3 fig.
This allows the pressure level (head)
to be proportionally reduced as the system
heat demand decreases (flow rate reduc-
tion). Thanks to this function, the electric
power consumption of the circulator pump
is reduced further: the energy (power) used
by the pump decreases according to the pres-
sure level and flow rate. With this setting, the
pump guarantees optimal performance in
most heating systems, proving particularly
suitable in single-pipe and two-pipe installa-
tions. Any noise of the water flow in the pipes,
valves and radiators is eliminated by reducing
the head. Optimal conditions for thermal
comfort and acoustic well-being. One can se-
lect the power level from a minimum one to a
maximum one by turning the selector switch
counterclockwise on the relative power scale.
Turn the selector and set it on
the desired curve to adjust the circulator pump.
Automatic vent function (1 fig. 1-25).
circulator pump is equipped with a function
that activates its operation for 10 minutes,
alternating the speed between minimum and
maximum, so that the air contained in the cir-
culator pump is expelled by the air vent valve.
Diagnostics in real time:
a light ring (2 fig.
1-25) supplies, with different colours, informa-
tion relating to the circulator pump operating
status, see table below.
1 - Automatic vent mode
2 - Light ring to indicate the
operating status
3 - Proportional head opera-
4 - Constant head operation
5 - Operating mode selector
Green (on)
Normal functioning
(fast flashing)
Automatic vent in operation The circulator pump vents for
10 minutes
Air in circulator pump
If the circulator pump requires
the automatic vent function
often, one must adjust the op-
erating mode properly.
Red (on)
Green (flashing)
Abnormal situation
Circulator pump working but
The circulator pump restarts
once the abnormal situation
has been solved
a) voltage out of range
(160 ÷ 253V)
b) circulator pump tempera-
ture high
a) check power supply
b) check temperature of room
and of the water contained
in the system
Red (flashing)
Circulator pump blocked
the circulator pump cannot
restart automatically due to an
check the circulator pump
if the problem persists replace
the circulator pump
LED (off)
circulator pump not working electronics not powered
a) circulator pump not con-
b) LED damaged
c) electronics damaged
a) check the electrical connec-
b) check that the circulator
pump is working
c) replace the circulator pump