1. Before starting the engine read the Honda manual provided and become familiar with the GXV 390
2. Place the MORTARMAN® 750 at the appropriate working height. The working height is determined by
which type of container the material mixed is to be discharged into:
For Example :
Wheelbarrow, Mud Bucket, Mud Pan
For raising and lowering theMORTARMAN® 750, see the previous section on the set-up procedure.
3. Connect the water supply hose to the Chicago fitting provided. Practice operating the water control
lever......one direction discharges water into the drum......the other direction sends water into the clean up
*IMPORTANT NOTE* Before adding material to the mixing drum make certain no foreign
objects are in the drum, and that the discharge gate is in the closed position.
4. Now start the mixer, the mixing paddles should move smoothly as they pass around the drum, if their
action is irregular and noisy, stop the mixer.....contact your local IMER Distributor or call IMER U.S.A.
direct of (800) 275-5463.
*IMPORTANT NOTE*Machines equipped with combustion engines and key ignitionmust
be started as follows: rotate the key clockwise, fromposition 0 to the next click (position
1) and keep turned to start the engine. If themachine does not start, attempt the start-up
procedure again without insisting for more than 5 seconds at a time. Once the engine is
started, leave the key in position 1, to enable the starter battery to recharge.
5. With the mixer running at full power, add the cement and sand into drum dry....the MORTARMAN® has
the ability to spin andmix a full load dry. This is a great feature , as it allowsmaterial to throughly blend and
mix before water is added.
*IMPORTANT NOTE* The Mortarman® 750 is much different from a concrete mixer and
cannot be used to mixmaterial with aggregate (rocks). This is because the Mortarman®
750 has paddles which are driven through the material with huge amounts of
torque.....should a paddlewedge a rock between itself and the drum, substantial damage
will result.
If thematerial beingmixed is not bagged pre-mix or discharged froma silo system, then
make certain there are no rocks in it.
Be especially cautious if sand is delivered by truck from a sand and gravel supply yard.
Let them know when you order, that no rocks or pebbles of any type are allowed in your
Some light aggregates, such as terrazzo piecesmay be run in themixer, however, contact
IMER U.S.A. or your local dealer for the proper set-up techniques.
6. Fill the mixer to the top of the free spinning agitation trident paddle.....filling the mixer above this point
will not provide sufficentmixing action for the loadedmaterial.
REMEMBER: theMORTARMAN® 750mixes incredibly fast......there is no need to over loadit.
7. Now that thematerial has mixed a fewseconds dry, the water can be added until the desired consistency
has been achieved.
8. Once the material is mixed to the consistency desired, position the appropriate container beneath the
discharge chute area and then slide the discharge gate open.
9. If the mixer is stopped while material is still in the drum, do not allow the material to harden up. It is
possible to re-start the mixer with up to 3/4 of a load in the drum. If the drum was at full capacity when the
mixer stopped, discharge some material, then re-start the machine.