SubVIS Orca II - User Manual
Visiting Address:
Kophaug 3, 5570 Aksdal, Norway
Office: +47 52 86 41 00
Org No: 923 005 749 MVA
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PO. Box 2143, 5504 Haugesund, Norway
+47 52 86 41 01
minimize latency in the video stream between the camera lens and the operator screen but cannot
compensate for delays that are introduced by other equipment in the network.
Figure 2 includes one computer display yet two cameras. The SmartView in its current version
supports streaming video from up to four cameras and can tile the display screen for live video
simultaneously from all.
The system could be configured with multiple computers receiving video from one single camera.
The Orca II camera itself is a live video stream server that can stream Unicast or Multicast and the
rest of the system is versatile Internet technology.
Cameras pinned out, on customer's request, with only 2 Ethernet pairs could encounter connection
problems when connected to Gigabit Ethernet switches. Appropriate settings must be altered in the
switches to accommodate for this.
Remote display and control station
Video Streaming and User Interface in the camera is realized with Internet protocols over Ethernet.
A computer with sufficient graphics performance and network interface can be used to operate and
view/record video from the Orca II camera.
Imenco provides “
; a software application that comes with basic control of the Orca II
camera, live video displaying, frame snapshots and video recording. Please refer to a separate
manual for the description of SmartView.