Nexio® NX1011 Series
Chapter 4
Hardware Guide
Maintaining the System
© 2014 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
September 2014 | Page 19
Maintaining the System
Nexio Software Updates
Software for the Nexio server platform is updated on an ongoing basis. Software updates are available
to customers with a valid license via Internet download. Installation instructions are included along with
release notes that detail new features, fixes to customer requests, and known issues.
Backup and Recovery
When the Nexio server is initialized at the customer’s facility, a technician must capture the system WIM
image for backup and recovery. A blank USB flash drive is included in the server’s shipping container
that can be used for this purpose.
For complete instructions refer to the
Nexio Backup Recovery System Guide
Replacing the Boot Drive
When a boot drive is bad, a message appears indicating that there is a RAID Access Failure. In this case
you must remove the failed drive, install a new drive, and restart the system to rebuild the RAID array.
To remove the boot drive, press the red release button.
Pull the lever out.
Pull the drive out.
Slide a new drive into the empty slot.
Nexio Monitor
Nexio Monitor is a local machine monitoring software application. It runs in the Windows system tray of
your server. It monitors the following diagnostics:
CPU fan power
Motherboard processor temperature
LLM faults
Chapter 4