Factors Affecting Exposure Time
There are a number of factors that effect image exposure time:
Frequency & Voltage
Object Size
Object’s pressure against TDP
Stop of Camera
Dielectric properties of object
Conductivity of Object
To start, for smaller object use an exposure time of approximately 1 second. Larger objects
that only produce a faint corona discharge one may increase the exposure time to 5
10 sec-
onds or more.
Photographing People
When photographing a living subject (human or
permit the living subject to be
grounded or to touch a ground while being pho-
tographed. This will increase the HV current
flowing through the subject and will cause an
unpleasant shock. As stated in the precautions,
do not operate the apparatus in the presence of
anyone with implanted inductive devices or
electrodes such as a heart pacemaker equip-
To photograph a fingertip corona, set up the de-
vice with the film as described before. Have the
subject place their finger on top of the film.
Press the discharge switch for a few seconds to
expose the film.
Kirlian Fingertips
Warning: Do not photograph
or operate the Kirlian appa-
ratus in the presence of any-
one with implanted inductive
devices or electrodes such as a
heart pacemaker equipment.