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Image Engineering
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0.5 kg (Only iQ-LED v2 device)
Delivery includes
Starter bundle version:
1 x iQ-LED V2, 1 x CAN-USB connector board, 1 x micro switch controller
board, USB cable, power supply, calibrated micro-spectrometer (detailed
specs see EX2 VIS datasheet) with 1m metal coated fiber, control software
Add on version:
1 x iQ-LED V2, CAN cable, power supply
Auto-generation of standard illuminants or externally measured spectra
Creation or adaptation of spectral trends via 20 LED channels
Save and load function of self-defined spectral arrangements or intensities
Storage of illuminants/sequences on device
Creation of test sequences
Real-time display of spectral measurement
Real-time calculation of CCT, CRI, curve fit, and illumination level (lux/watt)