b.Only one owner card is allowed for each lock. For convenient management, the same
owner card can be programmed as the owner card of all or some of the locks in a
II. Master Card (3 pcs) or Master Code (1 pc)
A. Master Card (3 pcs)
Program Master Card:
Scan the
owner card
near the inductive area Dirst, indicator light blinks, during the blinking
period, and scan another EM card, after a beep sound, the card programmed by the owner
card is Master card.
Delete Some Master Card:
Scan the owner card near the inductive area Dirst, indicator light blinks, during the blinking
period, and scan the master card, after two beeps sound, the master card is deleted.
Delete All Master Cards:
Scan the owner card near the inductive area, indicator light blinks, during the blinking
period, and scan the owner card again, after three long beeps sound, all the master cards are
deleted, and the user code and user cards are also removed.
a. Master card is used to program or delete user code and user cards and also used for
unlocking. After unlocked by master card, the user code and the user cards are
b. For convenient management, the same master card can be programmed as the
master card of all or some of the locks in a project.
B. Master Code (optional
Program Master Code:
Scan the
owner card
near the inductive area, indicator light blinks, during the blinking
period, press
button, enter digital a code(max nine digit) and followed by
after a beep sound, the programmed code is Master code.
Delete Master Code:
Scan the owner card near the inductive area, indicator light blinks, during the blinking
period, and scan the owner card again, after 3 long beeps sound, the master code is deleted,
and the user code and user cards are also removed.
a. The Master code is used to program or delete user code and user cards and also
used for unlocking. After unlocked by master code, the user code and user cards are
b. For convenient management, the same master code can be programmed as the
Ilockey Technology Co.,lTD
Focused on smart lock solution