Safety distances
Safety distances to inflammable structures are measured from the mesh frame outwards:
At the back
In the front
To the sides
min. 100 mm
min. 500 mm
min. 1000 mm
min. 100 mm
that the safety distances can be reduced by 50% using protective sheathing or by 75% with double-
sheathing. You can use 7 mm thick light fibre-reinforced cement plate or 1 mm thick stainless steel protective
sheath. Both require a 30 mm air gap between the sheath and the inflammable surface. Double sheathing
can be obtained using two layers of protective sheathing. The sheaths can be attached to one another with a
30 mm air gap in between the two and another 30 mm gap between the sheath and the surface that requires
The area between the fire box and the mesh frame must be fully covered by stones.
The smoke pipe can also be covered by stainless steel mesh and laden with stones. This reduces safety
distances to inflammable surfaces by 50% to 500 mm upwards and 250 mm to the sides.