IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ZZoooom
m CCllaam
mpp &
& GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee O
Onn tthhee TTyyppee 11 LLeennsseess
The Zoom Clamp has springs so it can be expanded to fit over
the Zoom Ring of the lens as shown in ((FFiigg.. CC)).
Install the Zoom Clamp with the extension tabs toward the rear
element of the lens. After installing the Zoom Clamp and Gear
Sleeve ((FFiigg.. D
D &
& EE)), install the Lens Port and rotate the Zoom
Ring on the lens. If the Zoom Ring and Gear Sleeve do not mesh
properly, install the rubber strips (supplied) to the inside
diameter of the Zoom Clamp as shown ((FFiigg.. FF)).
Two thicknesses of rubber strips are provided. Start by installing
the thinnest rubber strips. If the Zoom Clamp still is not tight
enough and meshes improperly with the Gear Sleeve, use the
thicker rubber strips. Reinstall the Zoom Clamp, Sleeve. Mesh
Gear Sleeve teeth with Black Housing Drive Gear
((FFiigg.. GG -- PPaaggee 1122)) and then install the Lens Port. After installing
the port ((ppaaggeess 1133 &
& 1144)), rotate the housing Zoom Control Knob
to see that the Gear Sleeve is properly rotating the lens Zoom
Type 1 Installation: Figure A
Figure A
Figure C
Type 1 lens
to camera
Type 1 Installation: Figure B
Figure B
Type 1 Installation: Figure C
Figure C
Figure D
Figure E
Align with
Zoom Clamp
grooved tabs
rubber strips
to inside of
Figure F
TTyyppee 11 LLeennsseess ((ccoonntt..))
Gear Sleeve
Type 2 Installation: Figure 1
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ZZoooom
m CCllaam
mpp &
& GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee O
Onn TTyyppee 22 LLeennsseess
Due to the larger diameter lens opening on Type 2 lenses, the
Zoom Clamp and Gear Sleeve need to be installed from the rear
(bayonet end) of the lens. Use the housing Lens Release Control
and remove the camera lens from the camera body, after the
camera and lens have been installed in the housing.
Place the Gear Sleeve in the housing opening as shown.
Install the black Zoom Clamp on the Lens Zoom Ring and lower
the lens into the housing opening. Make sure the Zoom Clamp
grooved tabs align with the Gear Sleeve ribs. If necessary,
install rubber strips to expand the Zoom Clamp so it meshes
properly with the Gear Sleeve. Bayonet lens into camera body
and align Gear Sleeve teeth with Black Housing Gear Teeth.
Zoom Clamp
Type 2 lens
Lens Zoom Ring
Zoom Clamp
tabs with
Gear Sleeve
Gear Sleeve
Maannuuaall FFooccuussiinngg N
Ikelite DSLR housings are designed for auto-focus DSLR
cameras and lenses. Manual focusing is not recommended. If
you desire to manually focus a lens, the zoom clamp must be
moved onto the lens Manual Focus Ring and you must use the
housing zoom control knob to manually focus. This will result in
loss of zoom capability.
Lens Manual
Focus Ring
IInnttaalllliinngg ZZoooom
m CCllaam
mpp//SSlleeeevvee oonn TTyyppee 22 LLeennsseess ((ccoonntt..))
Before installing the lens port and checking operation, make sure
the teeth on the Gear Sleeve mesh with the teeth on the housing
Drive Gear ((sshhoow
wnn bbeelloow
w)).. When the port is installed
((ppaaggeess 1133 &
& 1144)), it will lock the Gear Sleeve in place. After
installing the port, rotate the housing Zoom Control Knob to see
that the Gear Sleeve is properly rotating the Lens Zoom ring.
Gear Sleeve
teeth with
Black Housing
Drive Gear
Figure G