Diiffffuusseerr aanndd D
Deefflleeccttoorr ccoonntt..
A diffuser and deflector are
included with the housing. The
diffuser is white transparent
plastic. The deflector is also white
but is not transparent and has a
decal on the front.
To install the diffuser or deflector
spread the port clamp at the
spring end and slide over the lens
port. The white plastic should be
placed in front of the camera
flash. The port clamp should be
pushed back against the front of
the housing.
The diffuser should be installed when using the camera’s built in
flash. When shooting with the camera’s built-in flash at
approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) or less, zoom the lens to
maximum telephoto. The lens port on the housing blocks a
portion of the light from the camera’s built-in flash when
shooting close up. If you do not zoom to maximum telephoto, a
shadow may appear in the lower left corner of close-up
(You can test this above water)
The deflector should be installed when using an external strobe
such as the DS51 or DS125 Substrobe and DS Sensor. The
deflector is required when using the camera’s built-in flash to
trigger the EV Controller. The deflector will redirect the
camera’s flash to the DS Sensor or EV Controller which controls
the external strobe.
Diffuser or
Deflector material
Port Clamp
Spread to Install
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
BBaacckk O
O’rings last for several years if properly maintained. (See
maintance) Always carry a spare.
URR//PPrroo FFiilltteerr
The UR/Pro underwater color correcting filter is designed to
restore some of the warm colors filtered out by the water. For
available light use only, not recommended for use with flash.
UUssee tthhee EEVV CCoonnttrroolllleerr w
wiitthh aa DDSS SSuubbssttrroobbee
The EV Controller provides 10 manual power settings in 1/2 stop
increments for the DS51 or DS125 Substrobes. The EV Controller has a
built-in slave which can be triggered by the camera’s built-in flash.
SSuubbssttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggeess aavvaaiillaabbllee
Ikelite Ball Arm Systems are provided with these packages
#3944.54 SubStrobe DS51 with EV Controller
#3944.77 SubStrobe DS125 with EV Controller
EV Controller
Ball Socket
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
SSuubbssttrroobbee D
DSS5511 PPaacckkaaggee
The Substrobe DS51 package includes
the Substrobe DS51, the EV
Controller and ball socket arms. The
EV Controller provides 10 manual
power settings in 1/2 stop
increments. An external strobe
offers several advantages over using
the camera’s built-in flash. External
strobes move the flash away from
the camera lens which helps reduce
backscatter. They also expand
lighting options to achieve the best
lighting for different subjects. A
second external digital strobe
package can be added to fill the
shadows and produce more realistic
The Substrobe DS51 covers the
equivalent of a 28mm lens. It is the
ideal choice when using only the
camera lens or the camera lens with
a macro accessory lens.
If an accessory wide angle lens wider
than 28mm is used, the ideal
lighting choice is the Substrobe
DS125, which covers 100 degrees, or
two Substrobe DS51’s can be used.
Ussiinngg FFllaasshh
Ussiinngg tthhee CCaam
meerraa’’ss BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh..
If you do not have an external flash the camera’s built-in flash
can be used. See Diffuser instructions.
Diiffffuusseerr &
& D
Deefflleeccttoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn