Ikelite DSC-V3 Instruction Manual Download Page 3


CChheecckkiinngg CCoonnttrroollss

Once the housing has been closed, push the controls back into

place. Make sure they line up with the camera’s controls. 

TTuurrnn CCaam

meerraa O


Turn the camera on and operate each of the housing controls to

get a feel for using the camera in the housing. Take a few

pictures above water with the camera in the housing.

JJoogg D

Diiaall CCoonnttrrooll

The housing’s Jog Dial

Control has a small bump

on the inside face of the

control for depressing the

Jog Dial on the camera.

The small bump is in the

same location as the

white dot on the control

knob. To use, rotate the

control knob until the

white dot is in the 6

o’clock position. In this

position the small bump will depress the Jog Dial. 

To select an item turn the jog dial to the item you want to set.

Then pull out on the control slightly and position the white dot

over the jog dial and depress. This will set the item you selected.



Strobe Connector







CF Card


Jog Dial



AE Lock



Back of Housing


CClloossiinngg tthhee H


1. Place housing face down in your


2. Check to see that there is an

o’ring on the housing back and

that it is clean and in its proper


3. Guide the back onto the housing.

The o’ring should touch the

housing all the way around. There

should be an even gap all the way

around between the housing and

the housing back.

4. Lift the lid snaps so they are

extended and place the lid snap

into the hook on the housing


5. To close the housing push 

down on the lid snaps until 

they snap into place . Lid 

snaps on opposite sides of the

housing should be closed at the

same time. Be sure they are down

far enough to engage the lock.


Doouubbllee cchheecckk - Once the housing is closed, check the o’ring seal.

Check the gap between the housing back and the housing, it

should be even all the way around.

Look through the clear plastic back at the o’ring. You should see a

darkened area where the o’ring is compressed against the

housing back. If you do not see an even black compression seal

all the way around the back, open the lid snaps, reseat the

housing back and close the lid snaps. Visually check the seal again.


housing back

housing back


even gap
all 4 sides





1. Ikelite provides silicone lubricant with the housing. We

recommend that you use only Ikelite lubricant on Ikelite

products as some other brands may cause the o’ring to swell

and not seal properly.

2. Use only enough lubricant to lightly cover control shafts and

o’rings. Wipe off any excess lubricant with a clean cloth.

Lubricant is not a sealant, it is used to reduce friction. Excessive

lubricant can collect sand and dirt which may interfere with

proper sealing.






Neevveerr uussee sspprraayy lluubbrriiccaannttss aass tthhee pprrooppeellllaanntt iinnggrreeddiieenntt ccaann

ccaauussee tthhee ppllaassttiicc hhoouussiinngg ttoo ccrraacckk..


Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess

BBaacckk O

O''rriinngg ##00111100

O'rings last for several years if properly maintained. 

(See Maintenance) Always carry a spare o'ring in case 

the housing o'ring becomes damaged or lost.


URR//PPrroo FFiilltteerr ##66444411..4411

The UR/Pro underwater color correcting filter is designed to

restore some of the warm colors filtered out by the water. For

available light use only, not recommended for use with flash.



meerraa’’ss BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh

The camera’s built-in flash cannot be used to illuminate subject


EExxtteerrnnaall FFllaasshh


meerraa SSeettttiinnggss

When using an external flash

you must turn external flash on

in the camera’s menu. See

camera instruction booklet.


Ussiinngg D

DSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess w

wiitthh tthhee 


The Ikelite EV-Controller

provides 10 manual power

settings in half-stop increments

with the DS51 or DS125

Substrobes. The EV-Controller

must be triggered by the

optional #4103.51 sync cord

attached to the housing


External strobes expand lighting

options to achieve the best

lighting for different subjects. A second external digital strobe

package can be added to fill shadows and produce more realistic



Ussiinngg IIkkeelliittee SSuubbssttrroobbeess w

wiitthh SSyynncc CCoorrddss..

Any Ikelite Substrobe, Substrobe 50, Substrobe DS51, Substrobe

100, Substrobe DS125 or Substrobe 200 can be connected to the

housing and used in the manual mode with the #4103.51 sync cord. 

DS51 or


Sync Cord


Summary of Contents for DSC-V3

Page 1: ...Digital Housing i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l f o r Sony DSC V3 H o u s i n g 6110 93 ...

Page 2: ... camera is secured to the housing back Position the camera on the tray and secure it with the mounting bolt which threads into the camera s tripod socket C CA AU UT TI IO ON N Some camera tripod socket threads are plastic The mounting bolt is metal Do not cross thread or over tighten as you may damage the camera tripod socket threads CAMERA MOUNT Lid Hook O Ring Mounting Bolt Mounting Tray Lid Hoo...

Page 3: ...en gap all 4 sides housing housing 7 L Lu ub br ri ic ca an nt ts s 1 Ikelite provides silicone lubricant with the housing We recommend that you use only Ikelite lubricant on Ikelite products as some other brands may cause the o ring to swell and not seal properly 2 Use only enough lubricant to lightly cover control shafts and o rings Wipe off any excess lubricant with a clean cloth Lubricant is n...

Page 4: ...red Flat Tighten set screw down against this area when replacing the knob housing gland control shaft Lubricate end of shaft before reinserting into gland 9 M Ma ai in nt te en na an nc ce e The Ikelite Digital Housing should be given the same care and attention as your other photographic equipment In addition to normal maintenance we recommend that the housing be returned to Ikelite periodically ...

Page 5: ...used to restore the warmer colors filtered out by the water as well as to illuminate the subject When photographing underwater set the camera to use flash on every shot If the camera s flash is set to AUTO and the sun is behind your subject the camera may see enough light that it does not fire the flash With the sun behind the subject the subject is shaded dark and needs flash for a good exposure ...
