Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
BBaacckk O
O’rings last for several years if properly maintained. (See
maintance) Always carry a spare.
URR//PPrroo FFiilltteerr
The UR/Pro underwater color correcting filter is designed to
restore some of the warm colors filtered out by the water. For
available light use only, not recommended for use with flash.
Ussiinngg FFllaasshh w
wiitthh CC--775500
The C-750 camera can use the cameras built-in flash to light
subjects underwater.
Ussiinngg EExxtteerrnnaall FFllaasshh w
wiitthh CC--775500
TTTTLL EExxppoossuurree M
Ikelite DS Substrobes are fully TTL functional and provide real
Olympus TTL control with this housing. For TTL exposure you
must use a DS Substrobe and the Ikelite #4103.51 sync cord or
#4103.52 dual sync cord for dual strobes. N
Refer to
camera manual for settings when using an external strobe.
Maannuuaall EExxppoossuurree M
This camera can be used in the manual mode with any Ikelite
Substrobe, DS51, 100A, DS125, or 200. A #4103.51 sync cord is
required to connect the Substrobe to the housing.
Maannuuaall EExxppoossuurree M
Mooddee 22
Use the Ikelite EV-Controller with a DS Substrobe for more
control over manual exposure. The EV Controller provides 10
manual power settings in 1/2 stop increments. For housings with
an external sync cord connection it is recommeded to connect the
EV-Controller to the housing with a #4103.51 sync cord.
Oppttiioonnaall SSttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggeess ffoorr CC--775500
((TTTTLL EExxppoossuurree M
#3944.51 includes
DS51 Substrobe
Ikelite TTL Sync Cord
SA-100R Arm
#3944.75 includes
DS125 Substrobe
1.5 hr. Smart Charger
Ikelite TTL Sync Cord
SA-100R Arm
LLeennss PPoorrtt
The Lens Port is factory sealed, do not remove.
Treat the glass in the lens port as a camera lens. After use, rinse
and gently dry the lens port to avoid water spotting. To clean
use a mild soap solution or lens cleaner.
Do not use alcohol or window cleaner on the Lens Port.
The Lens Port is threaded so that accessory lenses may be
screwed onto the port. The threads are very fine, take care not
to cross thread the lens.
Wide angle lenses are available from Inon and Sea & Sea. These
lenses can be screwed onto the lens port above or below water.
These lenses are designed to have water between the front of
the port and the accessory lens. Make sure no air bubbles are
trapped between the port and the accessory lens. There may be
slight vignetting when these wide angle lenses are installed.
Any vignetting that occurs
can be eliminated by
zooming the camera lens
slightly. The camera’s built-in
flash cannot be used with
wide angle lenses. The front
of the lenses are so large
they block the camera’s
flash. To properly light
subjects when using a wide
angle lens an external strobe
should be used. Due to the
wide angle coverage of the
Inon and Sea & Sea lenses,
the DS125 Substrobe is
recommended or two DS51
Wide Angle
Housing shown with accessory
wide angle lens.
The Ikelite Digital Housing should be given the same care and
attention as your other photographic equipment. In addition to
normal maintenance we recommend that the housing be returned
to Ikelite periodically to be checked and pressure tested.
1. D
Doo N
Noott leave the camera and housing in direct sunlight for
prolonged periods. Heat may damage the camera.
2. D
Doo N
Noott ship the camera in the housing.
3. Before using the housing, always check the tightness of the sseett
w in each control knob.
Check each ccoonnttrrooll ggllaanndd penetrating the housing to make sure
they are tight. There is a slight chance that either could vibrate
loose during travel.
4. Keep the back o’ring clean and lightly lubricated. To lubricate
remove the o’ring from the back. Put a small amount of lkelite
lubricant on your fingers. Draw the o’ring through your fingers
to apply a light coating of lubricant. Only apply enough
lubricant to make the o’ring feel slick. D
Doo N
Noott ssttrreettcchh tthhee oo’’rriinngg.
This light coating of lubricant will help to keep the o’ring from
drying out and will help to show a dark sealing line when the
housing back is properly sealed.
5. Keep the area where the o’ring fits and the sealing surface of
the housing clean.
6. Rinse the housing exterior thoroughly in fresh water after each
salt water use. Dry with a soft cloth. Dry lens port to eliminate
water spotting.
After several uses in salt water soak the housing in a mild soap
solution, rinse and dry before storage. When storing the
housing, remove the back o’ring, lightly lubricate and place in a
plastic bag. Place the plastic bag with o’ring inside the housing
for safe keeping.
Neevveerr uussee sspprraayy lluubbrriiccaannttss aass tthhee pprrooppeellllaanntt iinnggrreeddiieenntt ccaann
ccaauussee tthhee ppllaassttiicc hhoouussiinngg ttoo ccrraacckk..