Diffuser Use
The diffuser should be installed when using the camera flash. When
shooting close-up photographs with the camera flash and at the camera
lens’s widest angle setting, the lens port on the housing can block a
portion of the light from the camera flash. This can result in a shadow in
a lower corner of the frame. Zoom the lens to eliminate the shadow
can test this above water).
Deflector Use
The deflector should be installed when using an Ikelite external strobe.
The deflector will block and redirect the camera’s flash to the AF35 slave
unit or EV-controller which controls the external strobe’s output.
Remove the diffuser before attempting to install the deflector.
Diffuser/Deflector material
Small hole
A diffuser and deflector are
included with the housing. The
diffuser is white transparent plastic.
The deflector is also white but is
not transparent.
To install the diffuser or deflector,
push the “Cut-out” Section into the
port groove until it stops.
Note the Small Hole. To avoid
losing the diffuser or deflector, you
can attach a fishing line or string to
this hole.
Diffuser and Deflector Installation
Lens Port
Diffuser/Deflector properly
installed in port groove